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İHD Relases Annual Report
According to the human rights organization, 37 people died in prisons and 8 people died while under police custody. İHD chair Türkdoğan says, rights violations escalated.
23 March 2009
"Women Should Take Water Rights to Agenda"
South African rights-activist Setshedi, explains women's experience in the struggle against the commercialization of water, at the Alternative Water Forum in ıstanbul.
23 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Terrorist Propaganda" Case Against Birgün Daily
Hakan Tahmaz, who interviewed a rebel PKK commander and daily Birgün, which published the article will be tried with "terrorist propaganda". Three people face 3 years in prison if convicted.
23 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Women in Tarlabaşı: Life in the Backstreets of Beyoğlu
23 March 2009
Emine Özcan
Saturday Mothers Call on President Gül to Intervene
The Human Rights Association and the Saturday Mothers/People are worried that a blind eye is being turned to the tampering with evidence from the excavated “death wells”. They have called on President Gül to intervene.
23 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Newroz in Turkey: Calls for a Solution to Kurdish Question
300,000 people celebrated Newroz in Kazlıçeşme, Istanbul. In Diyarbakır, estimates of the crowd range from 75,000 to one million.
23 March 2009
Radio Station Acquitted in Second Kurdish Song Case
The Adana Radio station Dünya has been acquitted for the second time, after playing a Kurdish song had landed it in court.
21 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Newroz Festivities in Diyarbakır Will Indicate Election Results
DTP candidate for Sur district mayor, Demirbaş thinks this year's spring festivities hold importance because of upcoming elections. He plans to continue providing multilingual local services, if elected. That was why he was dismissed from office.
20 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Public Support for a Coup Was Created"
According to TİHV chair Önen, recently revealed information shows that a divide had formed at military command by the plans to overthrow the government in 2003-2004. "Now, AKP takes on this futile organization through Ergenekon case."
20 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
NTV Accused of Airing Call For a Military Coup
MAZLUMDER, an association for human rights files a complaint on grounds that three people called for a military coup in a programme on local elections.
20 March 2009
Kuntar: Palestinians Want Solidarity, Not Ottoman Empire
Samir al Kuntar, the most popular representative of the Palestine-Lebanese resistance, says Palestinians want solidarity, not a recreation of the Ottoman Empire, from Turkey.
20 March 2009
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Rights Activist Öndül "There Was Little Hint of Coup Attempt in 2002"
The former president of the Human Rights Association comments on the coup plans revealed in the media and on the Ergenekon investigation. He remembers anticipating tensions in 2003 and 2004, but not a military coup.
20 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
BIA Media Monitoring Report 2008 - Full Text
In 2008, 82 people were tried under Article 301, 44 under the Anti-Terrorist Law. Freedoms of press and expression have been damaged by political polarisation, the lack of a solution to the Kurdish issue and the intolerance of criticism.
20 March 2009
Cease Support to AKP to Avoid Privatization of Water
Senior adviser to the president of the UN General Assembly, Maude Barlow criticizes the World Water Forum as corporations dominate it. "Right to water is a human right" says Barlow and urges for public control over water management.
19 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Journalist's Death at Newroz 1992: Evidence of Ergenekon Mentality
Journalist Balıkçı recalls his colleague's death by police fire, during the Newroz events of 1992: "A white flag on his hand, İzzet was lying in blood. The case was never solved."
19 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Five-Day Newroz Celebrations in 66 Places
The Newroz programme of the DTP starts in Urfa on 20 March and ends in Kars on 24 March. Kurdish musicians and politicians will take the stage.
19 March 2009
Bawer Çakır
Workers on Galatasaray Football Stadium Unpaid and Dismissed
300 construction workers working on the new Galatasaray football stadium have not been paid for three months. After refusing to work, they have been dismissed. Lawyer Uluok accuses the football club of being part of this injustice.
19 March 2009
Bawer Çakır
Former Chiefs of Staff “Willing to Go to Court”
Journalist Bila claimed in the Milliyet newspaper today that former Chiefs of Staff Özkök and Büyükanit are willing to go to court in relation to allegations of coup plans which have become public in a diary alleged to belong to journalist Balbay.
18 March 2009
Bawer Çakır
Seven Police Officers Condemned in Zirve Massacre Case
A Malatya court finds police officers guilty of misconduct, as they failed to confiscate two of three guns on the suspects who murdered three people two days later.
18 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
University Students Acquitted on 301 Amid MoJ Approval for Trial
Minister of Justice Şahin had approved a trial for 10 university students on Article 301 on grounds they protested a police operation to the prisons. They are acquitted in court.
18 March 2009
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Women Take First Steps For Rape Crisis Centers
Activists gather to launch a Women's Platform Against Sexual Violence. It will campaign for an end to sexual violence through promoting legislative changes as well as providing support.
18 March 2009
Emine Özcan
Talabani: A Kurdish Conference in April or May
Iraqi president talks about a joint call to PKK rebels to give up armed struggle. PKK dismisses the possibility to participate at the conference.
18 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Journalist Balbay not Released – Internet Publishes "His Notes"
Journalist Mustafa Balbay was arrested as part of the Ergenekon investigation. His request for release has been rejected by the court. His “notes” have been published on the Internet.
18 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Diyarbakır’s Gün TV Punished with Programme Ban
Accused of broadcasting pro-DTP programmes, the local Gün TV channel in Diyarbakır has been barred from broadcasting its 7.30 pm news programme.
18 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Women’s Platform against Sexual Violence Formed
The Women’s Platform against Sexual Violence aims to create deterrents against harrassment and rape, as well as putting an end to victimisation.
18 March 2009
Emine Özcan
“World Water Forum is All About Commercialising Water”
Water rights activist Öngür says that the World Water Forum’s primary aim is to commercialise water. Of the 30 or so members from Turkey joining the forum, 27 are construction companies, he points out.
17 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
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23 Children Released in Diyarbakır, Dozens More in Prison
18 children who participated in a march following their friend's murder by police in Cizre and five other who participated in protests against PM's visit to Diyarbakır -all accused with terror charged- are released from prison.
17 March 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
“Freedom for Leyla Zana” Campaign Launched
A group of rights activists has started a campaign against the 10-year prison sentence handed down to Kurdish politician Leyla Zana.
17 March 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
AKP Disregarded Erdoğan’s Advice on Women’s Quota
Speaking at a panel on “Local Elections and the Feminist Struggle”, KA-DER president Gülbahar said that PM Erdoğan had asked for every fourth candidate to be female, but that the party had ignored this.
17 March 2009
Emine Özcan
Over 3 Million Unemployed at Beginning of 2009
Data from the Turkish Statistical Institute shows that the deepening of the crisis has caused an increase in unemployment. In December 2008 alone, 533,000 people lost their jobs.
17 March 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Open Society Supports Educational Projects
The Open Society Institute has announced that it will sponsor projects by primary and middle school teachers that are designed to develop their knowledge and skills.
17 March 2009
Former Prosecutor Wants Coup General Evren in Court
Former prosecutor Kayasu has applied to the Adana prosecution to process the indictment he prepared in 2000.
17 March 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
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