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Army's Affection for US Overcomes Boycott for DTP
While PM Erdoğan refuses to meet with the pro-Kurdish MPs, DTP co-chair Türk met with us president Obama and expressed their views for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue. Army commanders attend General Assembly meeting after two years.
7 April 2009
After 39 Deaths, Denim Sand Blasting is Banned
The Ministry of Health has announced that Denim Sand Blasting has been banned because it causes lung problems. The Ministry hopes to wipe out silicosis by 2030.
7 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
“Prime Minister Should Apply Message of Tolerance at Home”
Erinç, president of the Journalists’ Society of Turkey (TGC) says that 62 journalists have been killed up to today. He has called on the Prime Minister to respect the press rather than call for boycotts.
7 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
“Obama Wants Soldiers for Afghanistan, Not Peace”
Mater from the Global Peace and Justice Coalition believes that NATO should be disbanded. He adds, “Obama is sending 17,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. He is not bringing peace.”
7 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Internet Enters 16th Year In Turkey With Problems
Between 6-21 April, numerous events will be held in different cities across Turkey to discuss and celebrate different applications of the Internet. Professeur Akgül criticizes lack of coordination on governmental level to improve Internet access.
6 April 2009
Obama Avoids Concrete Comments on Armenian Issue and the PKK
US president meets president Gül and addresses the parliament. He avoids making concrete statements on recognizing Armenian genocide claims and support on fighting Kurdish rebels; praises Turkey-US relations as a model of alliance.
6 April 2009
Two Dead as Police Prevents Öcalan Birthday Celebrations
The police intervened when around 5,000 people tried to visit the village of imprisoned PKK leader Öcalan’s birth on his birthday. Two people died. More than 10,000 people took part in the funeral of one of them.
6 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Every Three Days Mines Kill or Maim a Person
Öğreten of the Initiative for a Turkey without Mines says that Turkey has violated international agreements by not destroying its stock of 2.5 million mines. Turkey also needs to clear 1 million buried mines by 2014.
5 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
Thousands of People Say "Enough" to 60 Years of Nato
There were protests against NATO in Ankara, Istanbul and Eskişehir. Around 2,500 people gathered for a protest in Kadıköy, Istanbul.
5 April 2009
Emine Özcan
What Would You Tell Obama?
After the G20 and NATO summits, the US President is now in Turkey. We would like Obama to close down military bases, pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and fight against global climate change.
5 April 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
G20 Deal Doomed to Fail
Professor Tonak argues that the G20 deal is prepared assuming "there's enough production and consumption" to support the sanctions. He further criticizes G20 leaders to avoid tackling the causes of the crisis.
5 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
DTP to Discuss Kurdish Issue With Obama
US president Obama arrives in Turkey this afternoon. DTP MP Tuncel says they would demand improving diplomatic efforts in trying to resolve the problems in the Middle East.
5 April 2009
RSF Questions Relations Between Ergenekon and Hrant Dink Murder
Reporters without Borders is supporting the call of Hrant Dink's family and lawyers for a serious investigation into relations between the murder of the journalist and the ultranationalist Ergenekon organisation.
3 April 2009
State Radio Now Also in Kurdish and Armenian
Radio 6 will broadcast in Kurdish 24 hours a day, while Armenian has been added to the variety of languages on “Turkey’s Voice” Radio.
3 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Objection to Reporter Gök’s Arrest Rejected
The lawyer of DİHA reporter Abdurrahman Gök says that an objection to his arrest has been rejected. He says that he will file a complaint for torture and maltreatment after seeing the medical file.
3 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
“Pink Istanbul” against Homophobia and Transphobia
The Pink Amsterdam event which was organised previously to draw attention to homophobia and transphobia in Amsterdam and Istanbul is now also coming to Istanbul. There will be a conference and a night of music with DJs and musicians at Ghetto.
3 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
“2011 Elections Must be Electronic”
CHP Istanbul party chair Tekin has demanded that the next elections, which will be the general elections in 2011, be electronic to avoid tampering and the high number of invalid votes.
2 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
Nothing to Celebrate About GDP "Rise"
Government announces that per capita income exceeds 10 thousand dollars but economist Önder is skeptical. "What's important is income distribution and there's appalling inequalities."
2 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
154 Inmates on Hunger Strike in Erzurum
Mainly Kurdish inmates are protesting rights violations, such as arbitrary ban on publications in Kurdish. The hunger strike entered its 39th day. Rights defenders urge the government to act, warning that four inmates' health is deteriorating.
2 April 2009
Obama to Meet Opposition Leaders Separately
Parliamentary Speaker Toptan has announced that US President Obama will meet opposition leaders separately. DTP leader Türk and CHP leader Baykal had agreed to a group meeting of opposition leaders, but MHP leader Bahçeli has criticised such an arrangement as “unethical”.
2 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
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Islamists Attack Students in Istanbul: 5 Injured
Students handing out flyers near the Istanbul University Beyazit campus were attacked with sticks and bottles when they criticised the AKP. 5 students were injured.
2 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
Ergenekon Court Asked about State Council Attack
Before deciding whether to merge the attacks on the State Council and the Cumhuriyet newspapers with the Ergenekon trial it is hearing, the Istanbul 13th Heavy Penal Court has asked the Ankara 11th Heavy Penal Court for its opinion.
1 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Parties Demanding Recounts in Several Provinces
Following the announcement of the official election results, all the main parties have found reasons to demand recounts.
1 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
15 Women Mayors in DTP Is a Success But Not Enough
Women representation in local governments didn't improve in Sunday's elections. DTP has the most women mayors but they aim at equal representation, says their Women's Assembly chair Konca.
1 April 2009
Emine Özcan
Exiled in 1980, Şahin Returns Tunceli as Mayor
DTP's women mayor of dissident Tunceli, Edibe Şahin is determined to focus on improving the lives of the city's people, especially fellow women and the children.
1 April 2009
Emine Özcan
"Consent to AKP Has Cracked"
Professor Sancar criticizes the political and electoral system as failing to allow all segments of the society to express themselves. Nonetheless, she matriculates the regression in AKP's votes, as well as CHP's rise deferring new developments on the left.
1 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
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Women's Thesaurus Published
An initiative by the Library of Women's Works in Istanbul gives way to a thesaurus on gender studies and related issues. "The thesaurus will enable a social accumulation of gender related knowledge."
1 April 2009
Emine Özcan
“Voters Want Pluralist Government”
According to Prof. Dr. Narlı, the decrease in votes for the AKP and the rise in support for other parties shows that voters are fed up with the AKP’s monopoly. She also criticised the lack of female representation in parties.
1 April 2009
Bawer Çakır
MP and Party Leader Yazıcıoğlu Buried
Following his death in a helicopter crash days before the elections, MP and BBP party chair Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu was buried yesterday.
1 April 2009
Why Did Nationalist MHP Increase Its Votes?
According to writer Bora, the 5.6 point increase the MHP received in these local elections compared to 2004, is due to several factors: successful organisation, a party move to the centre, candidate profiles, and local reactions to Kurds.
1 April 2009
Tolga Korkut
Acquittal for Journalists Reporting Secret Service Bugging
Journalists Gökçer Tahincioğlu and Kemal Göktaş faced a prison sentence for reporting that police, secret service and the gendarmerie had been given permission to listen in to all phone conversations. They have been acquitted.
1 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
DTP Has Proven That It Represents Kurds
Assoc. Prof. Yeğen argues that neither Kurds nor Turks are happy with the AKP’s “embarrassed recognition” of the Kurdish question.
31 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
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