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Lawyer Rişvanoğlu Will be Brought to Court by Compulsion
The case against lawyer Rişvanoğlu on the grounds of his pro-Kurdish statements made on the Kurdish television channel Roj TV will be continued on 28 October. The lawyer will be brought to court by compulsion.
27 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Kanal D Facing Heavy Monetary Fine from RTÜK
Kanal D has to present a convincing defence to RTÜK in order to avoid a heavy monetary fine. The television channel might be punished by the council for broadcasting the reactions of the families of soldiers who were killed in the Gediktepe raid.
27 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
The Never-Ending Story of the KCK Indictment
The reading of the indictment related to the KCK trial in Diyarbakır has still not been finished. The court dismissed the defence lawyers' requests for shortening the process. 152 defendants stand accused for an alleged affiliation to the KCK organization.
26 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Headscarf as Potential Reason to Take Children from Their Families
Social Service expert Karatay said that children can be taken away from their families by the state in case they are not sent to school because of wearing a headscarf. He indicated that the child's mental and intellectual development would be obstructed by a deprivation of education.
26 October 2010
Semra Pelek
Rakel Dink: Justice is Put in Chains by Law
Rakel Dink, widow of slain Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, criticized the decision to try triggerman suspect Samast at a juvenile court. The trials heard in Trabzon and Istanbul were not merged in the 15th hearing. International observers are concerned about the consideration of the ECHR decision.
26 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu,Erhan Üstündağ,Berivan Tapan
Triggerman Suspect to be Tried at Juvenile Court
The 15th hearing of the trial regarding the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink is currently held in Istanbul - the first session after Turkey's conviction by the ECHR. Dink family lawyer Çetin will reiterate her demand to merge the files of Trabzon and Istanbul. A defence lawyer requested to have triggerman suspect Samast tried at a Juvenile Court.
25 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu,Erhan Üstündağ
IPI: "Coup on Press Freedom"
The Turkish news channel CNN Türk was punished by RTÜK for criticism on President Gül voiced by the Secretary General of the Labour Party. The International Press Institute disapproved the decision and assessed it as an intended deterrence from freedom of expression.
25 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Detentions in KCK Trial Violate "Principle of Innocence"
The delegation of the International Federation of Human Rights criticised the way the KCK case is tried against a total of 152 defendants. The organization demanded the release of the 104 detained defendants and said that their detention was against the presumption of innocence.
25 October 2010
Berivan Tapan
Second Quarterly Media Monitoring Report 2010 - Full Text
In the second quarter of 2010, the number of thought crimes has doubled compared to the same period last year. The number of suspects under the Anti-Terrorism Law has increased by factor 5. As the struggle intensifies, freedom of expression weakens.
22 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Vakit Newspaper Sued by Transvestite Actress
A case under charges of "insult" was opened against Vakit newspaper because of an article about the play of transvestite actress Esmeray. Lawyer Öz criticized, "The trial should have been opened under charges of inciting the public to hatred and hostility".
22 October 2010
Burçin Belge
President Gül Admits Deficits in Press Freedom
After Turkey's poor performance in the RSF World Press Freedom Index, President Gül admitted "a few complaints and deficits" regarding press freedom. He said that all thoughts should be free as long as they were not concerned with violence.
22 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Rejection of Kurdish Defence Provokes Legal Action
MAZLUMDER President Ünsal criticized the court board of the KCK trial in Diyarbakır for "misconduct of office" because they refused permission for a defence in Kurdish. Ünsal demands an administrative and criminal investigation about the court board.
21 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Defence Lawyers Disapprove of Police Presence
Tensions arouse in the third hearing of the KCK trial in Diyarbakır. The defence lawyers criticized the presence of plain-clothes police officers in the courtroom and the installation of a police cordon between the defendants and their lawyers.
21 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey in Free Fall
Turkey ranges in 138th position among 178 countries reviewed for the World Press Freedom Index issued by Reporters without Borders. This is a further decline compared to last year's 122nd rank. RSF criticized the quickly increasing number of sanctions against journalists.
21 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Second KCK Trial in Adana to Start Soon
The KCK trial in Adana will start on 22 October. The defendants are going to request permission for a defence in Kurdish. Lawyer Özkan announced, "We will request the release of the defendants and demand a courageous decision of the court".
20 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Sentenced for Criticizing Head of Chamber
Murat Güreş, editorial manager of the Gaziantep Hakimiyet newspaper, received a monetary fine of almost TL 3,500 under charges of "insult via the media" against Ömer Küsbeoğlu, Head of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen.
20 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Principle of Fair Trial Endangered?
On the second day of the KCK trial, the number of defendants increased by one to 152. The court decided to read out a summary of the 7,500-page indictment. Yıldırım of the Mardin Bar Association sees a violation of the right to a fair trial in the court's dismissal of the defendants' request to present their defence in Kurdish.
20 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Court Dismissed Request for Defence in Kurdish
The Diyarbakır 6th High Criminal Court rejected the request of the KCK trial defendants for the permission to present their defence in Kurdish as their mother tongue. The 7,500-page indictment will not be read out as a whole but in a summarized version.
19 October 2010
Tolga Korkut
Organized versus Individual Crime...
The Istanbul 10th High Criminal Court accepted that the murder of journalist Hayırsevener was a result of organized crime. However, it claimed that the incident "should be evaluated individually. " The file was transferred to the Supreme Court due to lack of jurisdiction.
19 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Defendants Request Permission for Kurdish Defence
151 defendants, mostly Kurdish politicians and rights defenders, were taken to court for the first time on 18 October, after some of them were detained for 552 days. Many people gathered in front of the court house to protest against the trial.
18 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
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How to Improve the Quality of NGOs
Four NGOs from Turkey and further organizations from Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovenia, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro met in Zagreb for a conference on Quality Assurance Systems. One of the representatives from Turkey was bianet Editor Önderoğlu.
18 October 2010
Ero Önderoğlu
Kurdish Singer Was Granted 10 Percent of Compensation Claim
Journalist Turgut received a monetary fine of TL 10,000 in compensation because of his comment "I would kidnap her and make her my sex slave" about Kurdish singer Rojin. Lawyer Kılıç criticized the low amount and declared to file an appeal.
18 October 2010
Semra Pelek
KCK Trial Starts with Protests
151 Kurdish politicians and rights defenders will appear at court for the first time on 18 October in the scope of the KCK trial. The case is being observed by many local and international organizations. Some defendants face life sentences.
18 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
USA Pushes Turkey to Join Missile Shield Project
Top officials from Turkey and the USA met in Brussels on the sidelines of a NATO meeting to discuss the missile defence system project intended to be set up against a supposed threat from Iran. The USA pushes Turkey to join the project.
15 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Journalist Özkök: Media People are Being Wiretapped
Journalist Özkök testified at the prosecution as a "victim" of the voice records found in the archive of former Eskişehir Chief of Police Avcı. "I complain against keeping records related to private life", he said.
15 October 2010
Burçin Belge
Politician Birdal: 10 Newspapers Seized 27 Times in 2009
BDP deputy Birdal stated that both the Turkish Criminal Law and the Anti-Terror Law are being used to restrict freedom of expression. He said that the parliament carries the responsibility of solving this situation as soon as possible.
15 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
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Journalist Birand's Confession on PKK News
Journalist Birand claimed in a column that a part of the news about the PKK is made up by the journalist and not based on true data. Journalist Başlangıç commented that many of his colleagues are superficial on the Kurdish question because they do not know the area.
14 October 2010
Semra Pelek
Öcalan Calls for Democratic Peace to Extend Ceasefire
In the end of September, Karayılan from the Democratic Confederation of Kurdistan had announced to extend the ceasefire for another month. Imprisoned PKK leader Öcalan now criticized the "elimination policies" of the government and said he might take a different decision on 31 October.
14 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Lots of Room to Improve for Turkey...
The government is ambitious on economic growth, the importance of geo-politics and the alliance of civilizations. Yet again, Turkey did not manage to improve its low international rank regarding gender equality in an global comparison.
14 October 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Three Prime Suspects Face Life Sentences
The trial related to the murder of journalist Hayırsevener who had reported about organized crime will start on 15 October. Three out of twelve defendants are facing life sentences, namely triggerman suspect Erakkuş, alleged instigator Kuruoğlu and defendant Yılmaz.
13 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey Convicted for Revoking Licence of Nur Radio
The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of a violation of freedom of expression because of revoking the publishing licence of Nur Radio TV. RTÜK had annulled the license due to broadcasts supposedly opposing secularism and a pirate program.
13 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Decision on "Qandil Interview" Expected in December
The case against human rights defender Tahmaz and Birgün newspaper official Çeşmecioğlu has reached its final stage. The defendants stand trial for an interview with PKK executives. The final verdict of the Istanbul 10th High Criminal Court is expected for 2 December.
13 October 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
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