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Acquittal of Journalists Durukan, Çakkalkurt, Koçali and Pekgöz
Milliyet newspaper employees Durukan and Çakkalkurt were acquitted of charges of "spreading propaganda for an illegal organization" on the grounds of one of their news items and so were Günlük daily officials Koçali and Pekgöz who were tried for the same reason.
24 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
RTÜK Fines CNN Türk
By majority vote, RTÜK imposed a heavy monetary fine to the news channel CNN Türk on the grounds of a statement made by Kurdish politician Özçelik in the program "What's going on". He had described the militant PKK as a "political movement".
24 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Students Convicted for Criticism of Prime Minister
18 students were sentenced to 1 year and 3 month each behind bars because of criticizing PM Erdoğan at the opening ceremony of the Istanbul Technical University. They had voiced their protest in slogans and banners.
24 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Pro-Kurdish Politicians Sentenced for "Propaganda"
Atalay, mayor of the south-eastern province of Batman, was sentenced to 2.5 years in jail for alleged spreading of propaganda for an illegal organization. Gençdal from the Group for a Peaceful and Democratic Solution received a 20-month sentence.
24 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Detention Turned into Punishment"
"Custody, detention and oppression do not intimidate us" was written on the banners of 300 protestors who criticized the detention of 13 left wing activities in a demonstration in Istanbul. The members of legal political groups were arrested two months ago and are still in prison.
23 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey as the "Trojan Horse of the Middle East"
Political Scientist Gerger said that Turkey's role within the NATO did not change after the NATO summit last weekend. The summit was marked by the agreement on a missile shield over Europe without defining Turkey's neighbour Iran as an explicit enemy.
23 November 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Legal Procedures against Taraf Journalists Kütahyalı and Miroğlu
Two Taraf newspaper writers are in the eye of the judiciary once again. The Ministry of Justice issued permission for an investigation about journalist Kütahyalı. Kurdish politician and journalist Miroğlu is tried for expressing his thoughts on the Kurdish question.
23 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Key Figure Güney Benefited from Law of Repentance
The Prosecution announced that no arrest warrant was issued in the name of Tuncay Güney, a mysterious key figure of the Eregenekon trial, because he benefited from the law of repentance.
22 November 2010
Berivan Tapan
Journalist Sevimay Receives Müşerref Hekimoğlu Press Award
Milliyet newspaper reporter Devrim Sevimay is the first laureate of the "Müşerref Hekimoğlu Press Award" issued by İLAD for "female journalists that contributes to a free communication environment with an unbiased journalistic approach".
22 November 2010
Article 19: Thorough Press Freedom Reform Indispensible
The human rights organization Article 19 called on the Turkish government to "lead by example" during the chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers and take immediate steps to improve freedom of expression in Turkey.
22 November 2010
Prosecutor Şanal Sues Journalist Saymaz
Former Special Authority Prosecutor Osman Şanal filed a compensation claim against Radikal newspaper reporter İsmail Saymaz because of the journalist's book "The Postmodern Jihad". Saymaz faces a total of 97 years behind bars in twelve different trials.
22 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Bosporus University Protests Police Violence on Campus
212 faculty members and lecturers of the Bosporus University in Istanbul issued a written statement to condemn a police blockade and police violence during a campus visit of Prime Minster Erdoğan and five ministers.
15 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Conscientious Objector Süver to be Hospitalized on Compulsion
Conscientious objector Süver will have been detained for four months by the coming hearing in December. The Military Court decided again to issue a medical report and to transfer Süver to a military prison.
15 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Prof. Mehmet Görmez New Head of Religious Affairs
Prof. Bardakoğlu was allegedly dismissed as the Head of the Department of Religious Affairs. After PM Erdoğan said "We shall ask the Religious Affairs" about the headscarf problem, he replied, "The Religious Affairs Department does not release views upon request. The politicians should solve it".
15 November 2010
Berivan Tapan
Letter "Q" Constitutes Element of Crime
Sociologist Beşikçi and Layer Şimşek are accused of "spreading propaganda for the PKK". In the second hearing of the case, the prosecutor saw an element of crime in the use of the letter "q", which is not part of the Turkish but of the Kurdish alphabet.
15 November 2010
Berivan Tapan
Prison Threat for Sports Journalist Uluç
Sports journalist Uluç might face two years in prison for an alleged insult of Galatasaray football club sports director Adnan Sezgin. The indictment has not been accepted yet.
12 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Ağar Would Receive that Sentence if He Had Stolen a Hen"
The Ankara Prosecution demanded a 1-year prison sentence for Mehmet Ağar who had connections to the victims of the so-called "Susurluk scandal" which revealed connections between politicians and the mafia. The Contemporary Lawyers Association criticized the plea.
12 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Court and Defendants Obstinate on Language Dispute
The Diyarbakır court trying the KCK trial once more insisted on hearing the defendants' defence speeches in Turkish and again dismissed the request for a defence in Kurdish. The defendants are equally determined. Hundreds of people protested the case before the Thursday hearing.
12 November 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Journalists Düzel and Adnan Prosecuted over PKK Interview
Taraf newspaper journalists Düzel and Demir are facing imprisonment of 7.5 years for an interview with executives of the militant Kurdistan Workers Party. Düzel rejected the charges of "propaganda for an illegal organization" and claimed to have made "political propaganda".
12 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Release Writer Nevin Berktaş"
The Proletarian Revolutionary Stance magazine demanded the release of recently arrested Nevin Berktaş. A case because of her book "Difficult places that challenge the faith: Prison Cells" has been pending for ten years.
11 November 2010
Berivan Tapan
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Acquitted of Proselytism, Sentenced for "Record of Personal Data"
A Silivri court handed down a monetary fine of TL 4,500 to defendants Taştan and Topal for "registering personal data". They stood trial for alleged Protestant missionary activities. The defendants were acquitted of charges of inciting hatred and insult of 'Turkishness'.
11 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Freedom of Speech" still Fuels Concern
The Progress Report of the European Union Commission criticized the numerous trials opened against journalists for reporting about the "Ergenekon" case and warned Turkey on procedures that result in auto-censorship of the press.
11 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
YouTube Removed Videos of Former Opposition Leader
After another decision for an access ban on YouTube, officials of the global video sharing site removed the videos on subject from the data base. The Telecommunications Communication Presidency had requested the removal of videos concerning former CHP Chairman Baykal.
10 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
NGO's Call for Peace Pumped up Volume
Almost 700 NGOs issued a declaration addressing the government on the Kurdish question. They called for steps towards more democracy and to evaluate the PKK's decision for an extended ceasefire positively.
10 November 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Not Much Progress in Karadağ Murder Trial
Human rights organizations were not accepted as joint plaintiffs in the case regarding the killing of communist party member Karadağ by the police. The eyewitness heard in the second hearing called the police "friends" and confused the court with contradicting statements.
10 November 2010
Berivan Tapan
President Gül: Legal Reforms for Detained Journalists on their Way
At a conference in London, President Gül announced that legal reforms are on their way regarding detained journalists in Turkey. 23 professional press organizations had recently urged the government for legal reforms and the release of 50 journalists.
10 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
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Alevi Demonstration against Compulsory Religious Education
"Abolish Compulsory Religious Education" was one of the main demands in the demonstration of Alevi organizations in Istanbul. A sit-down strike was continued all night long and had previously been carried out in Ankara. It will be repeated in Izmir next year.
9 November 2010
Burçin Belge
KCK Trial still Jammed on Defence in Kurdish
The defence lawyers of the defendants of the KCK trial in Diyarbakır applied to the superior court for the right to a defence in the mother tongue. More than three weeks of the beginning of the trial, procedures have not yet advanced beyond the reading of the indictment.
9 November 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Lack of Jurisdiction for Prosecution of Putchists
The Special Authority Public Chief Prosecution decided for a "lack of jurisdiction" regarding the prosecution of the people responsible for the military coup in 1980. Chief Prosecutor Kuriş is expected to appoint a prosecutor without special authority to the investigation.
9 November 2010
Burçin Belge
Journalist Kütahyalı Sentenced upon Deputy's Complaint
An Istanbul Court handed down a monetary fine of TL 14,000 in compensation to journalist Kütahyalı from Taraf newspaper. The journalist was sentenced because he called Republican People's Party deputy Arıtman the "racist-fascist CHP deputy from Izmir".
9 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Media and Education's Crucial Role in Struggle against Hate Crime
The new media was considered as especially problematic at the meeting on "Hate Speech and Hate Crime" in Ankara on 6 November. It was mentioned that raising awareness in the local media and education system is an important part of the struggle against hate crime.
8 November 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Women Protest PM Erdoğan in Women's Meeting
Women protested PM Erdoğan at the International Women's Istanbul Meeting for having said that "men and women are not equal". Pointing to women murders they said, ""More of us are being killed when you say we are not equal".
8 November 2010
Burçin Belge
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