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Gendarmerie will Disclose "Forged Records"
At the 2 December hearing of the Bayrampaşa trial, the court insisted on an explanation of the gendarmerie regarding two contradicting records on the "Return to Life" operation. The gendarmerie officials face legal steps if they fail to send the videos and explanations.
5 December 2011
Ayça Söylemez
Internet Filtering System Combined with Censorship
The 16th Turkey Internet Conference was held in Izmir last week. Internet censorship and filtering were the themes of more than 100 activities. A free internet was the common demand of internet users and technology developers.
5 December 2011
Haluk Kalafat
Court of Appeals: "No Defamation of Hrant Dink"
The Court of Appeals quashed a verdict initially given in favour of the family of slain Turkish-Armenian journalist Dink. A local court had ruled for an attack on Dink's personal rights due to a documentary on TRT. The Dink family lawyers demanded a revision of the decision.
2 December 2011
"Safety of Life Comes First Before the News"
The Anadolu News Agency sends five reporters to London for a war correspondence training. Journalists' Union President İpekçi commented, "Training for correspondents who report from conflict zones is essential. They also have to contract a life insurance".
2 December 2011
Nilay Vardar
Anti Terror Law on the Job - Journalists in the Streets
In July, August and September 2011, 66 journalists were in jail, 11 of whom because of their writings and utterances. 13 people are facing imprisonment of 334.5 years in total. Most of the trials are based on Articles 7/2 of the Anti Terror Law and 314 and 220 of the Criminal Law.
2 December 2011
Emel Gülcan
Mass Rape Case - Victims Absent at Court
The trial regarding the sexual abuse of four girls by 35 people in Siirt was postponed to 25 January. Defendant Kuzu, a former teacher of the girls, was caught and arrested last week. His file will be tried separately in December.
1 December 2011
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Blockade on the OdaTV Trial
Pointing to "the right to a fair trial" and the "principle of publicity", representatives from national and international rights organizations criticized the congestion at the first hearing of the Oda TV trial. Most of the journalists could not enter the courtroom.
1 December 2011
BİA Media Monitoring Report 2011 Second Quarter - Full Text
According to the BIA Media Monitoring Report for the second quarter of 2011, 68 journalists went to jail till July, 12 of them because of their news, writings and utterances. Turkish courts decided for prison sentences of 44 years and 8 months in total in April, May and June.
1 December 2011
Upper and Lower Fountains Re-opened
Two historic fountains of the Habap village were restored upon the efforts of the Hrant Dink Foundation. The fountains were now re-opened in a ceremony attended by lawyer Fethiye Çetin, Governor Arslan, Mayor Yanılmaz and district headman Yarmadelen.
30 November 2011
Newspaper for Detained Students
"The future cannot be jailed" is the title of a newspaper issued on 26 November by students affiliated with the Turkish Communist Party. It aims at reminding more than 500 students who are currently detained in Turkish prisons that they are not alone.
30 November 2011
Emel Gülcan
"Turkey Takes Lead in Violations of Freedom of Expression"
ECHR judge Karakaş said that among all member states of the Council of Europe, Turkey was the country in the worst situation considering press freedom and freedom of expression. Turkey is the country with the most convictions ruled by the ECHR in this area.
30 November 2011
Male Perpetrators Killed 25 Women in September
Data compiled by bianet revealed that a total of 206 women were killed in Turkey from January till the end of September 2011. 86 women were raped. Most of the women killed in September were murdered by their boy-friends.
29 November 2011
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Against Transphobia and Hate Murders
During the 20 November Week against Transphobia and Hate, many people gathered for a demonstration in Istanbul to draw attention to hate crimes.
29 November 2011
"Lawyers should be released"
The European lawyers federations AED and ELDH with 16 member countries urged the Turkish government in a joint statement to release the lawyers recently imprisoned in the scope of the KCK investigation.
29 November 2011
International Delegation Investigates Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons
A European delegation investigates the alleged use of chemical weapons at the Kazan Valley in the course of an armed conflict that left 37 PKK members dead. The delegation took samples and will discuss their observations with experts.
28 November 2011
Resistance against Coal-Fired Plant in Gerze
About ten thousand people gathered in Sinop at the Black Sea coast on 26 November to protest the construction of a thermal power plant in Gerze. The coal power plant is planned by the Anadolu Group.
28 November 2011
70 Arrests in Istanbul and Diyarbakır
34 people were arrested in Istanbul on 26 November. They were part of a group of 46 people, mostly lawyers, who were taken into custody on 22 November in the course of KCK operations. In Diyarbakır, 36 out of 43 people in custody were detained.
28 November 2011
Turkey: First Country to Enact Violence against Women Act
Turkey is the first country to enact the convention on "preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence" of the Council of Europe.
25 November 2011
Working Conditions for Teachers Need urgent Improvement
Eğitim-Sen drew attention to constantly worsening working conditions of teachers in Turkey on the national Teachers' Day on 24 November. Arbitrary appointments, low salaries and an extensive workload were criticized as the reasons for a low quality education.
25 November 2011
Academic Freedom in Critical Situation
International academics, most of them working in France, criticized arbitrary arrests and other repressions applied to academics in Turkey. They warned that academic freedom was unacceptably restricted and called on academics all over the world to join their work group.
25 November 2011
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Short Film World in Istanbul
The Istanbul International Short Film Festival started on 23 November. 156 productions from various countries are being shown at the 23rd festival.
24 November 2011
Yüce Yöney
Prime Minister: "I Apologize for Dersim"
After an on-going discussion with opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu about the "Dersim incidents", PM Erdoğan apologized for the violent suppression in the 1930s that left many Alevi Kurds dead. His statement elicited controversial reactions in the CHP.
24 November 2011
Ban on Victoria's Secret Lifted after Protests
On the first day of the internet filtering system, access was denied to many underwear and condom brands. After a storm of protest in the social media, most of these sites were removed from the filter.
24 November 2011
No Journalists Released
None of the indicted journalists were released at the first hearing of the Oda TV trial on 22 November. The court is going to evaluate the motion to require the judge to recuse himself. The decision will be announced in the coming hearing on 26 December.
23 November 2011
Landmark Ruling on "Conscientious Objection"
For the first time, the European Court of Human Rights sentenced Turkey for a breach of Article 9 on freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Applicant Erçep's lawyer Alsancak said the verdict manifested the right to conscientious objection in Turkey.
23 November 2011
Işıl Cinmen
Lawyers in Custody - Raid on Özgür Gündem Newspaper
About 100 people, most of them lawyers, were taken into police custody in the course of the latest KCK operations in several provinces of Turkey on 22 November. The Özgür Gündem newspaper was raided as well as many private homes and offices.
23 November 2011
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Mother Sued for Holding up Picture of Deceased Daughter
Hatice Harman is on trial because she held up a photograph of her daughter who died as the result of a hunger strike. "She is my daughter. If I don't carry her picture in my hand, I will carry it in my heart", Harman said.
22 November 2011
Ayça Söylemez
IPI Launched Campaign for Journalist Şener
IPI launched a signature and letter campaign for detained journalist Nedim Şener in order to draw attention to journalists in Turkish prisons. Şener was included to the IPI "List of World Press Freedom Heroes" in 2010.
22 November 2011
State's 'Secure' Internet Filter Applied on 22 November
The controversial internet filtering application was enforced on 22 November. Internet expert Akdeniz commented that Turkey has been the "country of prohibitions" throughout history. He warned that a filter managed by the state was dangerous.
22 November 2011
Ekin Karaca
Hate Speech is Common - Still no Law
The rhetoric of hate speech was deciphered at a panel discussion on hate speech and freedom of expression. Journalist Öğünç described how hate speech is produced by the media. Prof İnceoğlu emphasized that another communication was possible and Ass. Prof Erdemir mentioned legal aspects.
21 November 2011
Yüce Yöney
About the Difficulty of being a Child in Turkey
The first report on the situation of children that compares all 30 member states of the OECD revealed that Turkey ranks in the bottom row regarding health, environment, education and the financial situation of children in Turkey.
21 November 2011
Lack of Jurisdiction?
The trial regarding the death of soldier Uğur Kantar who allegedly died as the result of torture started on 18 November. The court is going to evaluate the motion for lack of jurisdiction. The decision will be announce at the next hearing on 16 December.
21 November 2011
Ekin Karaca
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