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Defence Minister of Greece Calls Turkey ‘Enemy’
The Defence Minister of Greece Kammenos has made a statement where he has referred to Turkey as an “enemy.” Kammenos has said, “We are not frightened or brought to our knees by their provocations, their threats, and their insults.”
5 April 2018
President of Iraq: ‘We are Fearful of an Afrin Operation Being Repeated in Shingal’
The President of Iraq Fuad Masum has stated that “his country is fearful of an Afrin operation being repeated in Shingal.” Masum has added, “After the withdrawal of PKK, foreign forces cannot come and invade a part of Iraq.”
4 April 2018
Penalty of Çomak Pending Trial in Custody for 24 Years Upheld
Arrested on charge of “being a member of an illegal organization” in 1994, lifetime imprisonment imposed second time on Çomak following ECtHR’s decision dated 2007 has been upheld once again by the Supreme Court.
4 April 2018
Professors Üstel, Polat Sentenced to 1 Year 3 Months in Prison
Prof. Dr. Esen from Boğaziçi University has made her defence at her first hearing at 14th Heavy Penal Court. As for the professors Üstel and Polat, the 32nd Heavy Penal Court has sentenced them to 1 year 3 months in prison. The penalty of Üstel has not been postponed.
4 April 2018
Tansu Pişkin
Journalist Wasn’t Home, Police Detain Her Father
Ahmet Güneş, the father of Mezopotamya Agency reporter Berzan Güneş, for whom a detention warrant was issued, has been detained.
4 April 2018
9 Boğaziçi University Students Arrested
Nine of 16 detained Boğaziçi University students have been arrested on charge of allegedly “attempting to show the state as an illegitimate power engaging in illegitimate activities.”
4 April 2018
4 More People from Özgürlükçü Demokrasi Detained
Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper staff Reyhan Hacıoğlu, Pınar Tarlak, Hicran Ürün and its former staff Mehmet Beyazıt have been detained.
4 April 2018
10.23 Percent of Annual Inflation Rate Exceeds Expectations
Inflation has increased by 0.99 percent in March, becoming 10.23 percent on annual basis. The figures have shown that the annual inflation rate has exceeded the expectations.
3 April 2018
9 Academics Stand Their First Trial in 3 Courts
While one of three courts have approved the demand that files be requested from 13th Heavy Penal Court, the other two rejected. Demands for immediate acquittal have been rejected.
3 April 2018
Beyza Kural
Tsipras: Turkey Should Tone Down Aggression
Claiming that Turkey has “recently become more provocative and is exacerbating the situation on every front”, PM of Greece Tsipras has called on Turkey to “tone down aggression”.
3 April 2018
Filmmor Women’s Film Festival Heading to Trabzon
After İstanbul, Antalya and İzmir, the 16th International Filmmor Women’s Film Festival will be in Trabzon on April 6-7-8.
3 April 2018
‘Social Media’ Arrest in Erzincan
One of seven people who were detained on charge of “promoting illegal organization” was detained in Erzincan today.
3 April 2018
Teacher Puts Hairpin on Boy’s Hair; Criminal Complaint Filed Against Father Upon His Reaction
A teacher in Çanakkale, who put a hairpin on a male student’s hair in front of his friends because “his hair was long”, has defended himself by saying, “We were joking around.” School management has filed a criminal complaint against the father who showed harsh response.
3 April 2018
Afrin Protest at Easter March in Germany
At the traditional Easter marches across Germany, armament has been protested and people have carried banners with slogans criticizing the Afrin operation of Turkey.
3 April 2018
Ban by Governorship Ahead of Sod-Turning Ceremony in Akkuyu
Mersin Governorship banned demonstrations about nuclear power plant project ahead of the sod-turning ceremony, in which Erdoğan and Putin will participate via video conference. Lawyer Küçük said that their vehicles were stopped while heading towards the site.
3 April 2018
Pınar Tarcan
Legal Action Taken Against 242 Social Media Users in 1 Week
Ministry of Interior has investigated 454 social media accounts and taken legal action against 242 people on charges of “insulting state officials” and “targeting the indivisible integrity of the state” in one week.
2 April 2018
Court Requests ‘Red Notice’ For Journalist Can Dündar
The court has ordered that legal action be taken for red notice to be issued for Can Dündar in the “MİT Trucks” trial that recommenced after Supreme Court had reversed the decision.
2 April 2018
Dramatical Increase in Number of People in Turkey Requesting Asylum from Germany
The number of people in Turkey requesting asylum from Germany in 2017 has increased five times in comparison with 2015. The rate of approved asylum requests has also increased from 8 percent in 2016 to 42 percent in the first two months of 2018.
2 April 2018
‘Greeting Spring with Baroque’ Concert in St. Antoine Church
İstanbul will enter spring with melodies of the celebrated composer of Baroque era Pergolesi.
2 April 2018
Support for Detained Boğaziçi University Students by 1,250 Academics
1,250 academics from over 100 institutions in 37 countries have demanded the immediate release of 15 Boğaziçi University students who are still in custody.
2 April 2018
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Paramedic Injured in Afrin Loses His Life
Paramedic from National Medical Rescue Team has lost his life in explosion of an improvised explosive device in Afrin.
2 April 2018
2 Students Detained at Entrance of Boğaziçi University
Two more students from Boğaziçi University were detained on Saturday. Boğaziçi students decorated the trees with ribbons in protest of ban of opening stand in school.
2 April 2018
Kites Flown for Osman Kavala in Silivri
Kites have been flown for Osman Kavala and all other inmates who are kept in Silivri Prison and other prisons in Turkey and have been unjustly deprived of their freedoms for political reasons.
2 April 2018
Managing Editor of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi Newspaper Yasul Taken into Custody
Managing Editor of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper İshak Yasul has been taken into custody at İstanbul Security Directorate on the ground that a detention warrant has been issued for him.
30 March 2018
JinNews Reporter Filiz Zeyrek Taken into Custody
In police raids conducted in six provinces, 31 people, including the JinNews reporter Filiz Zeyrek, have been taken into custody.
30 March 2018
Kızıldere Commemoration Prevented by Police, 1 Person Taken into Custody
Kızıldere commemoration to be held at Galatasaray Square in the district of Beyoğlu in İstanbul has been prevented by the police. Yunus Bircan, a member of the 78s Initiative, has been taken into custody.
30 March 2018
Tansu Pişkin
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Open Letter of Support for Students of Boğaziçi University by 199 Academics
199 academics from around the world, including Judith Butler and Nancy Fraser, have published an “Open Letter of Support for Students Arrested at Boğaziçi University.”
30 March 2018
6 Village Guards Killed in Siirt
In a fire opened by the PKK militants in Turkey’s southeastern province of Siirt, six village guards have been killed, four soldiers and three village guards have been wounded.
30 March 2018
Eren Keskin and Reyhan Çapan Sentenced to 7.5 Years in Prison
The former Editors-in-Chief of Özgür Gündem newspaper Keskin and Aykol, its former Managing Editor Çapan, its former reporter Çaksu and its former columnist Batumlu have stood trial. Keskin and Çapan have separately been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison.
30 March 2018
24 People in Custody After Operation to Özgürlükçü Demokrasi Newspaper
The number of people taken into custody after an operation to Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper and Gün Printing House has risen to 24. It is still not clear whether a trustee has been appointed to the newspaper.
30 March 2018
Parliamentary Inquiry by CHP: Did You Prevent Women Taking to the Theatre Stage?
CHP MP Yüceer has submitted a parliamentary inquiry regarding the allegation that Parliament Speaker İsmail Kahraman prevented women theater players from taking to the stage at parliament.
29 March 2018
‘Social Media’ Operation Accompanied by Ottoman Military Band
Charged due to social media posts, nine people have been referred to court in Kocaeli. Ottoman Military Band was playing in the vehicle that took them. Prosecutor has referred all of them to court without taking their statement.
29 March 2018
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