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Release of Perpetrators of Male Violence due to Pandemic Leaves Women Anxious
"Even if it is said that crimes of violence against women are not included in the law, we know that many offenses that are committed against women such as injury, threat, and false imprisonment are included," women's rights defenders say.
15 April 2020
Evrim Kepenek
15-Day ‘Detention’ for Prisoners Enters into Force
With the law on criminal enforcement that entered into force today, security forces can now interrogate prisoners for up to 15 days “to obtain information about terror crimes.” But, it is not known where, how and within the scope of which rights they will depose...
15 April 2020
Ayça Söylemez
Health Laborers’ Union: Health Workers’ Right to Life Being Violated
Health and Social Service Laborers’ Union (SES) has released a monthly report amid Covid-19 pandemic: “Healthcare laborers should know that in case their health and lives are at risk, they can halt work until the necessary safe conditions are ensured."
15 April 2020
IMF: Turkey's Economy May Shrink by 5 Percent in 2020
The Fund expects Turkey to have an unemployment rate of 17.2 percent at the end of the year.
15 April 2020
Happy Çarşema Sor to Yazidis
On the first Wednesday after April 13 each year, Yazidis celebrate the festival of “Çarşema Sor” (Red Wednesday), which marks the first day of the year and is a harbinger of revival and good days. Happy Çarşema Sor to Yazidis!
15 April 2020
Violations of Rights in Turkey in March: ‘Judicial Pressure Spreads Like Virus’
From the March 2020 report of the Initiative for Freedom of Expression, İHD and TİHV: “Things going wrong during the fight against coronavirus and the donation campaign of the President have led to detainments, arrests and convictions.”
15 April 2020
Construction Vehicles Enter Lake Salda Beach, Leave After Outrage
Known as "the Maldives of Turkey," Lake Salda is a protected area where the government plans to build a recreational facility.
15 April 2020
Law on Criminal Enforcement Enters into Force
Having passed the General Assembly of the Parliament, the Law on Criminal Enforcement has been published on the Official Gazette and entered into force.
15 April 2020
‘Women’s Rights are Usurped Under the Pretext of Pandemic’
A report released by the Labor Party (EMEP) has revealed how coronavirus outbreak has affected the lives of women in Turkey over the past month.
15 April 2020
Dismissed Diyarbakır Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı’s Request for Release Rejected
The request for release of attorney Muhsin Bilal for Selçuk Mızraklı has been rejected. The attorney previously requested his client’s release as his chronic heart disease poses a risk to him in prison amid coronavirus pandemic.
15 April 2020
Terror Investigation into Address, Photo Use in ‘Demolition of Illegal Construction’ News
It is reported that a “terror” investigation has been launched against media outlets that used address and photo while reporting the İstanbul Municipality’s demolition of illegal construction carried out by Presidential Communications Director Altun.
15 April 2020
Turkey's Covid-19 Cases Top 65 Thousand, Minister Expects 'Plateau' Within Two Weeks
The country's death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has climbed to 1,403, Health Minister Koca has announced.
14 April 2020
Turkey to Provide Free Covid-19 Treatment Regardless of Insurance
Medicine, equipment and testing as part of coronavirus treatment will also be free, according to a new Presidential Decree.
14 April 2020
Gülistan Doku Missing for 101 Days: She was the Apple of Our Eye, She Had Dreams
Aygül Doku, the elder sister of Gülistan Doku, says, “I am now more sure about one thing after Esma: My sister didn’t commit suicide.” Lawyer Ali Çimen adds, “The natural suspect is Zeınal Abarakov. He must be arrested until the investigation is completed.”
14 April 2020
Ruken Tuncel
What will Happen to Street Vendors During the Pandemic?
Some of the six million street vendors in the country can neither work nor receive aid from the government, says a finance expert.
14 April 2020
Utkucan Akkaş
The Ones Left out of Quarantine: Journey of Seasonal Agricultural Workers Begins
Agricultural workers say, “We live in 11-person family tents where we go. We work for peanuts in precarious, temporary jobs. We don’t have rights. We are not even treated like fellow human beings most of the time.”
14 April 2020
Filiz Yalçıntaş
Articles Foreseeing Restrictions on Social Media Omitted from Omnibus Bill
The articles foreseeing restrictions on social media have been withdrawn from the 62-article omnibus bill, which is also expected to ban lay-offs for 3 months. “They have withdrawn it for now. They will bring it up at the first opportunity,” says HDP MP Paylan.
14 April 2020
Hikmet Adal
'For Fear of Losing Their Jobs, Chronically Ill People Continue to Work Despite Curfew'
Knowing that they might have Covid-19 with little or no symptoms, many people take the risk and continue working for the fear of losing their jobs, according to the Workplace Doctors' Association chair.
14 April 2020
Ruken Tuncel
Request for Ahmet Altan’s Release Due to Life Threat in Prisons
Figen Çalıkuşu, the attorney of arrested journalist-writer Ahmet Altan, has requested his urgent release. Noting that her client is 70 years old, Çalıkuşu has underlined that coronavirus poses a life threat to Altan in prison.
14 April 2020
‘Prison Release Law Leaves Innocent, Vulnerable Prisoners at Risk of COVID-19’
Amnesty International has released a statement about the law on criminal enforcement approved by the Parliament: “Those convicted in unfair trials under Turkey's overly broad anti-terrorism laws are also now condemned to face the prospect of infection.”
14 April 2020
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Parliament Passes Law on Criminal Enforcement
Jointly drafted by the ruling AKP and MHP groups, the draft law on criminal enforcement has passed the Parliament. In the 600-seat parliament, 279 MPs have supported the bill while 51 MPs have voted against it.
14 April 2020
UNICEF: Children in Detention Should be Released
In a written statement released by the UNICEF, it has been noted that “hundreds of thousands of children currently detained in countries around the world are at grave risk of contracting COVID-19.”
14 April 2020
President Erdoğan: Curfew to be Imposed This Weekend as Well
Following his cabinet meeting, President Erdoğan has said that some media outlets “started a war” against their own country with their news and columnists: “Our country will hopefully get rid of not only coronavirus, but also these media and politics viruses.”
14 April 2020
Criminal Enforcement Bill: Six Journalists Won't be Released due to Last-Minute Change
The law on intelligence agencies, for which six journalists are behind bars, was excluded from the bill after a motion by AKP MPs was accepted.
13 April 2020
Hikmet Adal
Covid-19: Turkey's Death Toll Hits 1,296 with 61,049 Cases
Since yesterday's update, 98 people died and 4,093 new cases were found.
13 April 2020
‘Police Use Outbreak as an Excuse, Don’t Take Complaints of Male Violence Seriously’
The report prepared by the Purple Roof Women’s Shelter Foundation has shown that women in Turkey are left hopeless in the face of male violence amid coronavirus pandemic.
13 April 2020
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Minister of Interior 'Humbled' by Reactions to His Resignation
Soylu has made his first statement after President Erdoğan turned down his resignation over the panic caused by his short-notice announcement of a curfew.
13 April 2020
Justice Minister: Three Prisoners in Open Prisons Died of Covid-19
For the first time, Turkey confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in prisons.
13 April 2020
Courier Worker: We Don’t Want to be ‘Super Carriers’ of the Virus
Long working hours, the breaks they are not allowed to take, overtime wages they are not paid… A courier worker has spoken to bianet about their workload and demands amid coronavirus outbreak.
13 April 2020
Evrim Kepenek
Trying to Coerce Villagers to Sell Their Lands, Energy Company Cuts Off Water Amid Pandemic
Already troubled because their access to water is being hampered by thermal plants and coal mines, people of İkizköy village are now more concerned due to the coronavirus outbreak.
13 April 2020
Hikmet Adal
‘Refugee Workers Work More, Get Paid Less’
The Leather, Textile, Shoe Workers’ Association has released its Refugee Workers Report. Based on face-to-face meetings with 100 workers in İzmir, the report documents the hardships experienced by refugee workers in their work lives.
13 April 2020
28th İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week: Where am I?
The 28th İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week will take place on June 22-28, 2020. The theme of this year’s pride week has been announced as “Where am I?”
13 April 2020
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