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Two Turkish Cypriot Journalists In Prison
RSF today voiced its outrage at the Six-month jail sentences imposed on two journalists of the Nicosia daily newspaper Afrika, Sener Levent and Memduh Ener, for insulting the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Rauf Denktash.
9 August 2002
Turkish Cypriot Journalists Arrested
Sener Levent, the director of the Afrika newspaper published in TRNC, and writer Memduh Ener, were arrested and sent to prison because of an article called Who is the Biggest Traitor? Cypriot journalists union criticized the arrests.
9 August 2002
Erol Önderoğlu
The Joy of Search Authorization and Bread
The soldier searched a house in the village of Catma with authorization for the first time in 22 years. The food quota seems to be lifted. Following 22-year-old emergency rule era, the people are trying to get used to a regular life.
8 August 2002
İrfan Aktan
Reforms In Baggage Turkey Knocks EUs Door
Package abolishes death penalty, brings freedom of education and broadcast in non-Turkish languages, freedom of criticism of the state organs, easing restrictions against foreign NGOs working in Turkey, greater freedom for non-Muslim minority foundations.
8 August 2002
Nadire Mater,Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Turkeys Reforms
Human Rights Watch: Turkeys Bold Reforms Fail Imprisoned Legislators. Death Penalty, Language Restrictions Abolished; Kurdish Parliamentarians Still Jailed
8 August 2002
Reforms Not Enough, Implementation Essential
Lawyer Ilkiz, journalist Boncuk and activist Yurdatapan comments on Turkeys move to abolish death penalty, allow Kurdish education and broadcasts, and grant broader freedom of expression.
8 August 2002
Erol Önderoğlu
The Last Struggle of the Publisher
Ayse Nur Zarakolu was a publisher. She got several awards and faced with trials and sentences. She passed away in January 2002. She was also publisher of Omer Asans book Pontos Kulturu (The Culture of Pontos). The books banned. Here is the story...
8 August 2002
US Pushes Turkey Toward The Red Line
With the nationalists likely to make these new laws the central issue in early parliamentary elections scheduled for November 3, there will seemingly be little public pressure on Ankara not to follow Washingtons lead on intervention in Iraq.
7 August 2002
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
80 Years List : Victims of Death Penalty
712 people including 15 women, have been executed during the last 80 years. At the moment, 1500 people trials are continuing, face death penalty. 125 people have been sentenced to death penalty which was abolished in August 3.
6 August 2002
Journalism Under Emergency Rule
Ferit Demir, the only journalist in the region, has been working under emergency rule for the last 12 years. He has been detained three times, received threats and got kidnapped by the PKK during the period. Emergency rule was lifted in Tunceli last week.
5 August 2002
Erol Önderoğlu
Siyar is Scared of the Slightes Noise
Six-year-old Siyar, who was hit on the head with a mortar shell, was discharged from the hospital. His two sisters were killed in the same incident. Grandfather will open a lawsuit against Yuksekova Battalion Commandership.
5 August 2002
İrfan Aktan
Armenian Journalists Visited Turkey Again
This is the third meeting of Armenian and Turkish journalists under the project stipulating mutual visits of Armenian and Turkish journalists to learn about the lives of the two countries and the subsequent coverage in their media.
3 August 2002
Abolition of Death Penalty Welcomed
Amnesty International welcomes Turkeys abolishing of the death penalty in peacetime.
3 August 2002
Turkey Abolished the Death Penalty
Council of Europe Secretary General Schwimmer said that this vote would be a major step forward for human rights in Turkey, in his press release in August 2.
3 August 2002
Turkey: Publisher Convicted
Keskin, charged with separatist propaganda for publishing a journalist Randals book about Turkeys Kurdish minority. population, was sentenced to a six-month prison sentence, which the court converted to a fine of about 500 dollars.
2 August 2002
Turkey Prepares the Worst Scenario in Iraq
Known for his staunch opposition against war on Iraq, the apparent shift in Prime Minister Bulent Ecevits tone follows series of meetings with Robert Pearson, US ambassador to Ankara.
1 August 2002
Nadire Mater,Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Daddys Job Is My Future
Workers children visited their fathers at the Pasabahce SiseCam Factory. The workers began the protest nine days ago, when the production was halted. The unions, and the Beykoz Mayor Cati, went into the factory to visit with the workers.
31 July 2002
Bircan Değirmenci
Turkey: Claim Over Arab Lands
A major United Arab Emirates Arabic daily: Anytime there is escalation in the US threat of striking Iraq, the Turkish media and political circles react in such a way that reflects the historic Turkish crave after Arab lands, especially Kirkuk and Mosul.
31 July 2002
Industrialists Against the Iraq Operation
The business premises of Adana, Gaziantep and Diyarbakir, are worried about the effects on economy of a prospective attack on Iraq. They are uneasy because such an operation would interfere with the gas transportation and increase migration to the cities.
31 July 2002
The Mausoleums of Mem and Zin are Restored
Ahmedi Xani had written in Kurdish, about the eternal love of Mem and Zin in Cizre, during the years 1450-1451, 240 years after they died. Mayor Yildirim declared that Mem and Zins 500-years-old mausoleums would be restored for the first time.
31 July 2002
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Seferis House Transformed to a Hotel
Greek poet Seferis, the recipient of the 1963 Nobel Prize for Literature, was in Urla. The tourists are nowadays very interested in visiting the house where Seferis was born. The restored house is a hotel now.
25 July 2002
2 Hellman / Hammett Awards Go To Turkey
Banned, Censored, Harassed and Jailed. 37 Writers from 19 Countries Receive Hellman/Hammett Grants. Photojournalist and human rights activist Dayanan and Professor Baskaya got the awards from Turkey.
24 July 2002
CPT Examined Turkish F-Type Prisons
However, the delegation found that practically all the prisoners held under the Law to Fight Terrorism were still refusing to take up the offer of communal activities.
23 July 2002
CPTs Preliminary Observations in F-Types
Preliminary observations made on 27 March 2002, by Ms Silvia Casale on behalf of the CPTs delegation.
23 July 2002
Americans of Incirlik Base Examine Hospital
American soldiers from the Incirlik Air Base reportedly visited and examined the hospitals in Batman. Private Sifa Hospital officials said: The Americans wanted to find out about our capacity in every aspect and so we showed them the present atmosphere.
23 July 2002
Calling Elections, Government Stalls for Time
All this uncertainty about timing could eclipse the political uncertainty that surrounded the latest crisis. Yet Turks and their neighbors need to worry about how this ongoing confusion will impair IMFs latest efforts to force economic reforms.
23 July 2002
Mevlut Katık
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The Six Months of Local and Regional Media
The BIA Legal Units January-June 2002 report encompasses more than 50 incidents and 84 media instituations. 1 journalist imprisoned, 9 journalists are on trial, 3 convicted, 9 acquitted; 6 attacked. RTUK banned televisions and radios 2921 days.
23 July 2002
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkish Authorities Response to CPTs Obs
Response: It is not planned to lift the requirement in question. Otherwise the determination to promote activities outside the living units in F-type prisons would be adversely affected.
23 July 2002
Americans Book Leads to Charge Against Turk
Within days of its publication, Mr. Randals book was banned in Turkey and Mr. Keskin was charged with spreading separatist propaganda by the State Security Court in Istanbul.
22 July 2002
Alan Rıdıng
Old Faces Spark Fresh Hopes Out of Impasse
New Formmation sparks fresh expectations among the Turkish business community, liberal intellectuals and trade union leaders who believe that the only way out of Turkeys present woes is accession to European Union membership.
18 July 2002
Nadire Mater,Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Migration to Turkey and Human Trafficking
Turkey is both a receiving and a transit country. Two factors shape current mobility.The recent political turmoil, civil wars, and clashes in the Middle East, Balkan and Caucasus regions have pushed migrants into the country with the hope of ...
16 July 2002
Nilüfer Narlı
Turkeys Political Crisis Could Affect Region
An election could produce an unexpected result. The hope of the business and financial elite, along with many members of the urban middle class, is that Cem, Dervis and Ozkan, will form a dream team party to unite the center.
16 July 2002
Jon Gorvett
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