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Delikanlı Kadınlar
Molped reklamı ile ilk defa üstü örtük özel günler deşifre oldu. Deşifre olmakla da kalmadı, kapalı mekanlardan ya da gündelik hayatla mesafesi çizilmiş doğal manzaralardan beri gelip sokağa indi, ele güne sorulabilir oldu.
9 April 2003
Talin Suciyan
Kadınlar ve Yoksullukla Mücadele
Kadın ailenin barınma, beslenme, eğitim ve sağlık gereksinimlerini sağlayabilmek için yaşamı ucuza getirmenin yollarını ararken ağır fiziksel ve ruhsal bedeller ödeme pahasına yapabilirliklerini en son noktasına kadar zorluyor.
9 April 2003
Filiz Kardam
Konferanstan Koordinasyon Çıktı
Kurtuluşumuzu Örgütleyelim Konferansı, Adana, Antalya, Mersin, İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara, Diyarbakır ve Bursadan iki yüzün aşkın kadının katılımıyla gerçekleşti. Konferansın sonunda, bir kadın koordinasyonu için ön girişim oluşturulmasına karar verildi.
9 April 2003
Filiz Koçali,Ian Fısher
Kurultay Katılımcıları
Kurultaya Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir, Batman, Bursa, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, İstanbul, İzmir, İzmit, Mardin ve Mersinden 53 kadın grubu katıldı.
9 April 2003
Ölmeye Yatmakta Cinsellik ve Olmayan Trajedi
Dar Zamanlar üçlemesinin ilk kitabı olan Ölmeye Yatmak, cinselliğini ulusal ideallerle bastırmak zorunda kalan Cumhuriyet kadınının sesini bugünlere taşıyan bir roman. Adalet Ağaoğlu, Cumhuriyet kadınının cinselliğinin izini sürüyor.
9 April 2003
Ann Conway,Çimen Günay
12 Yaşındaki N.Ç, Reha Muhtarın Elinde Mi?
Mardinde aralarında üst düzey kamu görevlisinin de olduğu iki yüz erkeğe pazarlanan 12 yaşındaki N.Ç.ye destek olmak için Mardine giden kadınlar, ona ulaşamadılar. Küçük kızın Reha Muhtarın programına çıkacağı söyleniyor.
9 April 2003
Iraklı Kızkardeşlerle Bin Kadın Buluşması
Kadınlar, Iraklı kızkardeşleriyle dayanışmak üzere 5 Nisan Cumartesi günü saat 15.00-17.00 arası Taksim Gezi Parkında buluşacak. İki saat sürecek etkinlikte beyaz şallar örtülecek, ortak ağıtlar söylenecek, oyunlar oynanacak.
9 April 2003
Donald Crone
Kadına Yönelik Şiddette Kriminal Soruşturma
Adli Tıp Enstitüsünün düzenlediği Kadına Yönelik Şiddette Kriminal Soruşturma başlıklı konferansa Birleşmiş Milletler adına Kosovada görev yapan uluslararası savcı Michael E. Hartmannın konuşmacı olarak katılacak.
9 April 2003
İrfan Aktan
Boycott US and British Goods
Municipal and Public Service Workers Union has called for boycott of US and British goods. Unions chair Cinar called for not consuming goods such as Coca Cola, Sprite, BP.
3 April 2003
Court Rejects to Release Former DEP Lawmakers
The Ankara DGM rejected a request to withdraw the judge and release defendants. The witnesses did not attend the trial saying they had no life security, or means to finance their transportation costs. This trial is important for Turkeys interior peace,
1 April 2003
Turkish Presence in N. Iraq is Illegal
Turkeys sending troops into northern Iraq would be the same as the US intervention in Iraq, said Prof. Uskul. It could lead to fighting and it would have no legitimacy. According to Prof. Azrak, it would not be accepted in the international community.
1 April 2003
Özge Gözke
Children Against The War
Children, their mothers and women gathered in Istanbuls Taksim Square on Saturday, to voice their opposition to the war. Flew their balloons in the air and shouted the value of childrens lives cannot be measured with oil or dollars .
1 April 2003
Başak Ertür
Anti-war Actions Spread Across The Country
The week closes as anti-war actions extend across the country, in many cities where public protests are unusual anti-war activism gathers momentum, reinforcing the national opposition against US occupation in Iraq and prospective Turkish cooperation
31 March 2003
Doubts Haunt Turkeys Kurds of The Future
It is almost assured that Bush Jr. will desert the Kurds for a fourth time, after 1918, 1975 and 1991, should the they present a problem for the future puppet Baghdad government predicts international analyst Prof. Baskin Oran.
31 March 2003
Nadire Mater,Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Everywhere Baghdad, All of Us Iraqis!
5 thousand people held an anti-war demonstration in Istanbul, calling for an end to bombing in Iraq and for humanitarian aid to Iraqi people. The president of KESK, Sami Evren was sharply critical: The capitalist lobby and the war lobby go arm in arm.
27 March 2003
Kurds Worried of Turkish Military
Seemingly, a clash with KDP and PUK forces will be inevitable should the Turkish army enters in Northern Iraq,. They will fight against this invasion say Kurds here. Yet most believe that friendly relations will follow as soon as Saddam regime falls.
26 March 2003
Tolga Temuge
Message from a Human Shield in Baghdad
The first day of bombing was quite eventful and difficult. Two days ago a bomb dropped from an American plane hit two farm houses located 400-500 meters away from where we stayed, reports Turkish human shield Cihan Keskek in Baghdad
26 March 2003
Emergency Health Measures on The Border
Turkey deploys 102 health workers and physicians to the Iraqi border area. A mobile hospital is set up. Medical supplies from WHO against smallpox and against anthrax and nuclear-chemical-biological toxication are transferred to the area.
26 March 2003
Mustafa Sütlaş
HRW: Avoid Past Violations in Northern Iraq
Turkey needs to be taking precautionary steps today, to make sure its troops dont commit repeat violations in any operations it undertakes in northern Iraq, says Elizabeth Andersen of Human Rights Watchs Europe and Central Asia division.
26 March 2003
Turkey is US Trigger-Puller, Unpaid Soldier
Political scientist Gerger said Turkey was a partner of the US in its war crimes. Gerger said. Turkey has become an unpaid soldier instead of being a paid soldier. And now it is acting as if it said no to the US
25 March 2003
Arzu Demir
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Unionists Call for General Strike on Mar. 27
Unions and NGOs declare March 27 an action day for peace. Iraqi children are dying, let us not send our children to school, say DİSK, KESK, TMMOB and TTB and call for one-day general strike.
25 March 2003
Hamza Aktan
2 Good News for Ocalan, 2 Bad News for Kurds
European Human Rights Court has unanimously decided that the EHRC judges accepted PKK leader Ocalans application against his condemnation after an unfair trial. Constitutional Court ruled out permanent ban of pro-Kurdish party HADEP.
24 March 2003
Nadire Mater,Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Lawmakers Favor National Interests
I am against the US, but I dont think a new motion will be rejected, said AKP lawmaker Caliskan. Lawmakers Ozcan, Akman and Erdogan would act towards national interests. Oztunc and Eri chose not to say anything before the motion is resubmitted.
24 March 2003
Hamza Aktan
Civilian Inspections at S. Gokcen Airport
Peace activists held a protest in Sabiha Gokcen Airport rented by the US as an airbase in the war on Iraq. The motion was rejected but the occupation goes on, shouted the protestors. The checks will go on every week, they said.
24 March 2003
Özge Gözke
US Peace Activist Appeal To Turkish Assembly
37 anti-war activists including known acedemics, writers and journalists appealed to Turkish Parlimanet in order to stand firm on the motion not to allow the US troops deployment in Turkey.
24 March 2003
Peace Initiative Brings Suit Against the Govt
Peace Initiative has taken legal action against the AKP government in two seperate suits. They demand the cancellation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the US and Turkish government, and compensation for the moral damage involved.
24 March 2003
Başak Ertür
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No War Preparation in Mardin
We will take shelter in caves if there is a chemical attack, said Mardin mayor Tutasi. The U.S. troops have rented certain places, said Kiziltepe mayor Sincar. Some people have already become rich through the war.
24 March 2003
Özge Gözke
AKPs Women
AKPs program on women is much more advanced and radical than CHPs. Im only in doubt because I dont know if they will implement it. There is neither a competent women speaking nor strong and ostentatious women organizers.
24 March 2003
Aksu Bora
Turkey and Iraq
Turkey has brought its own troops into a state of preparedness, both to keep Iraqi refugees out and pre-empt a Kurdish dash for Kirkuk. It already has several thousand troops stationed at a small airfield in northern Iraq.
24 March 2003
Joost Hıltermann,Gareth Evans
Protesters Against the Motion Hit the Streets
Anti-war protesters warned Turkish leaders and called on the parliament and the government not to get Turkey involved in a crime against humanity.
24 March 2003
Başak Ertür
Thousands Protest War in Iraq
Thousands of people protested the U.S. -led attack on Iraq. U.S., take your hands off the Middle East, Make Peace not War, We wont kill, we wont die, we wont be anybodys soldier, shouted the crowd. Police broke up the protest by using tea gas.
24 March 2003
Başak Ertür
Academics Say No to War
25 academics from Turkey in their letters to the President, the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Turkish Parliament, demanded that Turkey does not participate in this war, does not allow its land, air space, ports and airport to be used for attack.
24 March 2003
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