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Leftist Parties View on EU Report on Turkey
Gur from DEHAP, Tuzel from EMEP, Kozanoglu from ODP and Kocali from SDP talked about their views on the EU, and commented on the EU progress report on Turkey. They argued that the report was inadequate in reflecting shortcomings in democratic rights.
19 October 2004
Özge Gözke
Rights Violations Should be Investigated
TIHV and IHD chairs argued that prime minister is not being democratic in his messages toward human rights organizations, and in his speech at the EC. They said its wrong to make a connection between voicing human rights violations and terrorism.
18 October 2004
Military Steps Back, Yet Media Bans Contiue
Military control over RTUK ceases, yet radio broadcast bans continue says the report BİA² media monitoring report. 11 cases against 13 journalists have continueed; 6 journalists have been detained during July-September period.
15 October 2004
Erol Önderoğlu
I Will not Let my Charisma be Damaged!
Incesu, a caricaturist of daily Ulkede Ozgur Gundem said the international community would not understand why daily Evrensel was fined for a caricature. Kart from the daily Cumhuriyet drew a stick man to represent the prime minister in his caricature.
15 October 2004
Erol Önderoğlu
Ozgür Der: Commission Report is Hypocritical
Ozgur Der argued that the European Commissions progress report on Turkey only focused on the problems faced by the non-Muslims and the non-Sunni in practicing their beliefs, but completely ignored the problems of the Sunnites.
15 October 2004
Rights Journalism Trainning in Diyarbakir
51 reporters of 11 eastern and southeastern provinces discussed responsible reporting and reporting on rights at the local media seminar by the BIA ² project. Prof. Dr. Koker, Dr. Dursun, Dr. Tosun, Duran, Madra, Haksever, Ondul made presentations.
11 October 2004
Özge Gözke
IPA Calls for Amendment to Penal Code
International Publishers Association sent a letter to the Presidency of the EU and the Commission seeking their assistance in calling upon the Turkish Authorities to abandon the Armenian Genocide, a measure jeopardizing freedom of expression.
7 October 2004
Commission Signals Green Light for Turkey
European Commission today recommens start accession negotiations with Turkey.provided that certain key legislation which is in preparation enters into force. The Commission report will be finally decided by the European Union Summit in December.
6 October 2004
Erdogan: Different Beliefs Freely Practiced
When one of the parliamentarians said that today was an historic day for Turkey and Europe, Prime Minister Erdogan said, yes, it is. We hope that our expectations will be met.
6 October 2004
Commissions Assessments Generally Balanced
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said, We find the Commissions assessment and analysis generally balanced.
6 October 2004
Silent Fight Against Weapons
On the Personal Disarmament day, the Hope Foundation commemorates 3,000 people who die every year in Turkey through personal weapons. Gezer from the Foundation said owning weapons can only be prevented through peaceful solutions to problems.
6 October 2004
Özge Gözke
TCK Protects the State Not Media
The improvements brought about by harmonization regulations to articles on dangerous provocation and insulting the state, have been kept in the new TCK. But the new law brings about new crimes for the media members including Internet reporters.
5 October 2004
Erol Önderoğlu
Progress on Human Rights Key to EU Bid
Turkey is now ahead of some EU member states in its legal protections for detainees, said Sugden of HRW. The Turkish state resisted these changes for more than two decades, but its recent achievements have finally brought international credit.
5 October 2004
Reforms and Punishments Conflict on Media
Gun TV and Can TV were ordered off the air by RTUK for 30 days for broadcasting Kurdish songs and programs. RTUK is considering our application to broadcast in Kurdish, while at the same time, it is punishing us for Kurdish programs said Gur of Gun TV.
5 October 2004
Erol Önderoğlu
30 of 35 Demands by Women Were Accepted
Sexual crimes are listed under crimes against individuals; the notion of honor is removed from the TCK; partner rape is considered punishable; domestic violence is defined as torture; the article on women marrying their rapists is removed.
30 September 2004
Burçin Belge
15 Thousand Girls Dont Go to School
While the Come On Girls, to School campaign is continuing, two sisters in the Gazlikuyu village are still working in cotton fields. The girls could not talk to the reporter since they cannot speak Turkish.
29 September 2004
Gül San
The Faster The Better!
EU experts think that the meeting between Prime Minister Erdogan and EU Enlargement Commissioner Verheugen was positive. Dr. Kaleagasi and Dr. Aktar believe that the government first created an unnecessary controversy, and then cleaned up the mess.
29 September 2004
Burçin Belge
Municipal Police Cannot Guard Morals
The municipal police have no authority to warn the youth who hold hands or cuddle on the shore. The real crime being committed here is to violate peoples freedoms, said lawyer Cinmen.
29 September 2004
Yıldız Samer
Mayor: Everyting is For the Citizens Comfort
Mayor Yilmaz made a press statement and denied the morality guard reports in the media. He argued that the incident was a ploy. Cakir, who reported the incident said the implementation has been going on for months and said he is behind his news story
29 September 2004
Anti-Democratic Articles in the New TCK
Turkish Parliament finally adopted the controversial reform of the Turkish penal code. Although applauded exaggeratedly by Verheugen and some EU leaders because of absence of the mention of adultery, the new TCK is full of many anti-democratic articles.
27 September 2004
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Cicek: No article of TCK restricts freedoms
Turkish Justice Minister Cemil Cicek said that any article of the Turkish Penal Code could not be interpreted as restricting rights or freedoms.
27 September 2004
400 Activists Gather for New Tactcis
Activists from across the globe gather in Ankara in the New Tactics in Human Rights International Symposium. At least 400 representatives from a wide array of organizations will discuss new approaches to further human rights situation in the world.
24 September 2004
Women Have Same Problems in EU
During the international symposium titled, Women in Turkey and the EU: Toward a Joint Understanding organized by Ka-Der, participants discussed womens problems arising from being a woman, and looked for ways to improve solidarity among women.
21 September 2004
Burçin Belge
IHDs Letter on Systematic Torture
According to the IHD, the fact that prosecutors, judges and forensic medical experts do not document torture by police, is an evidence of systematic torture. The association sent Prime Minister Erdogan photographs of victims of torture.
21 September 2004
Turkish and Greek Artists Exhibit in Istanbul
An exhibition of Turk and Greek Modern artists called Greece-Turkey Meeting Point: Modern Art, will open on October 17th at the Istanbul Aya Irini Museum.
17 September 2004
The draft TCK is Withdrawn
TCK draft can be reconsidered after new Justice Commisson members are elected, said Justice & Development Party deputy leader Firat.
17 September 2004
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Adultery Break to Revolution on TCK
AKP tried to include the adultery crime in the code with a formula of sexual disloyalty, risking the agreement with CHP. The initiative failed with the staking of CHP saying, If you do that, we will desert Parliament. Then, TCK Draft was withdrown.
17 September 2004
90 Trials for 192 Editions of Daily Gundem
Editor-in-chief Ucar said 12 new cases have been brought against the daly Ulkede Ozgur Gundem after the DGMs were annulled. It is still a crime to publish announcements by a non-violent group, said Ucar. He argued there are 90 cases against the daily.
15 September 2004
Erol Önderoğlu
Reforms Yet Insufficient for Free Speech
IHD workers Salman and Kizgin are being tried for insulting state officials because of their posts. The same people are trying Salman and Kizgin.
15 September 2004
Yıldız Samer
Formula in Adultery
When the opposition of the Republican Peoples Party (CHP) was also added to the reactions raised from the domestic and foreign public opinion, AKP renounced from its initiative to make the adultery a crime.
15 September 2004
AKP is Seeking Support From Conservatives
AKP wants to make adultery a crime to get the support of its conservative voters, said Prof. Narli, who spoke about the debate on making adultery a crime in the TCK. Anatolian women did not use to complain about their husbands who had two wives.
14 September 2004
AKPs About Turn on Adultery
Parliament is discussing the Turkish Penal Law (TCK) motion. The last-minute summit between CHP leader Baykal and Deputy PM Gul produced a compromise of AKP not to launch the adultery motion to Parliament.
14 September 2004
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