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Independent Media Debates Funds & Pressure
BİA2 Projects Ertugrul Kurkcu speaking at the Prospects for Non-Mainstream Media panel says independent media should work on getting public funds. Birguns Kilic: We dont have bosses but we hit against the advertising wall.
6 November 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
Women in Media Debated
The women discussed their expectation from the media. Mater says media ignores the reality that women are half of this life as men continue to be focus point while Tanrıover points out at the low number of news on women in political newspapers.
6 November 2006
Ayça Örer
Another Education for Another Communication
Education for Communication panel hears Ferguson from University of London stressing importance of how to open issues to debate when giving radical messages to society. Gazi Universitys Cankaya says we are not training technicians for the sector.
6 November 2006
Emine Özcan
NGOs Not Enough, Political Alliance Required
AMARCs Diasio says political alliances needed for independent media and defends that alternative is not the same as independent and free. Acik Radios Madra says radio experience one of increasing independence with no institutional ties.
6 November 2006
Emine Özcan
Independent Media Forum Calls for Actions
Istanbul International Independent Media Forum announced calls for action regarding mainstream, local and independent media and the governmesnts.
5 November 2006
Horizontal Communication Essential
Tagesszeitung newspapers Mika There shouldnt be a too great distancing from mainstream media; Il Manifestos Casagrande Workers are owners of the newspaper; Evrensels Kara, We are reporting in line with the needs of labor.
5 November 2006
Kemal Özmen
Media Should Voice What Is Not Voiced
IPS Foundations Mater opens International Independent Media Forum: Independent media is a must to make apparent the invisible, to voice the un-voiced. IPS Europes Jaura: Journalists shouldnt consider global-national realities as if those were isolated.
4 November 2006
Emine Özcan
We Want A Media On the Childs Side
Childrens Rights group says Respecting children rights but violating human rights is unthinkable. Media organizations should first declare principles to their readership and opportunities should be provided for children to participate in the media
4 November 2006
Kemal Özmen
BIA Grants Rights Reporting Awards
BIA² 2006 Rights Reporting Awards have been granted to Yuksekova Habers Necip Capraz in the field of local media, Radikals Timur Soykan in the field of mainstream media and to Aycin Gelir and Eylem Tuna in the field of communications students.
4 November 2006
The Internet Has Created New Journalists
LMDs Ramonet says to Independent Media Forum: the number of news items increased with the Internet, free papers; everyones a journalist by mobile phones and the Internet. IPSs Lubetkin: the need for alternative media should be explained everywhere.
4 November 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
Is Alternative Possible in Mainstream Media
Speaking at the Independent Media Forum, Topuz says individual media networks are important. Castellanos: Reporting needs gender equality. Eryilmaz: Mainstream media journalists can make a difference. Duran: Journalism is a profession of adversary.
4 November 2006
Tolga Korkut
Independent Media Forum Starts
The Istanbul International Independent Media Forum has been introduced to participants and observers at a meeting held at Hill Hotel. Savio, Casagrande, Ferguson, Iskandaryan, Alankus, Kurkcu, Mater, Sinar, Jaura and many others attend press conference.
3 November 2006
Ayça Örer
Journalists Voice Hope For Local Media
What kind of a media? is bianets runup question before this weekends International Independent Media Forum. Local media producers want less dependence on official advertisement profits, more independence in reporting.
3 November 2006
Ayça Örer
Egitim-Sen Acquitted in Meeting Case
Ankara court acquits Egitim-Sen union chairman Dincer and 6 unionists on charges of staging an outlawed meeting in 2004 where they were accused of provoking the people to gather and rally illegally.
3 November 2006
TIHV Condemns Attack on Lawyers
Human Rights Foundation chair Onen condemns the attack on 30 lawyers who went to Justice Hall to file for damages against Justice Minister Cicek. Says arbitrary action by police not in line with a state of law, asks for investigation.
3 November 2006
Women Need Their Own Alternative Media
Selek: Communication networks that spread like viruses have to be developed. Demir: A media that does not ignore women is needed. Prof. Dr. Sirman: We need to enter the political arena; Guncikan: Alternative channels have to be created.
2 November 2006
Ayça Örer
Women Harassed and Raped In Detention
Study on sexual harassment and rape under detention shows several hundred victims of violence under custody in 9 years. At least 236 women sought legal support in the said period where 70 women were raped in detention and 166 others were sexually harassed
2 November 2006
Ayça Örer
Military Jargon Must Cease For Peace
Total objector Tarhan says Media supports war. It has to be known that people are killed. Author Magden: Opportunity for peace receives a strong blow with military expressions. Academic Altinay: They are marginalizing peace.
2 November 2006
Ayça Örer
Sumerologist Cig Acquitted
Istanbul court acquits 92-year-old researcher and writer Cig and her publisher Ogutcu in a case where they were charged with inciting hatred and enemity and committing denigration. DISK applauds the verdict, Columnist Gureli thinks that it gives hope.
2 November 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Questioned for Covering Killing
Local journalists who covered the killing of an 11-year-old Kurdish girl by security forces in September are being investigated under article 301 for publicly denigrating the military and police establishment.
2 November 2006
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Bombing General Case Dismissed
Chief of Staff Military Prosecution drops investigation into retired general Altay Tokat who publicly confessed to organizing covert street bombings in the southeast. Case of shaking confidence in commanders to be heard at a civilian court.
2 November 2006
IHD To Minister: End Isolation in Prisons
Human Rights Association sends letter to Ministery calling on Ankara to end isolation treatment at F-type prisons and enter a dialogue to prevent new deaths. Or else youll be responsible for every death, for every breach of human rights in prisons.
30 October 2006
92 Year Old Women Researcher On Trial
Charges against researcher and writer Cig, recognized as a leading Sumerologist, are to be heard. Accused with inciting hatred and enmity among the people in her most recent research book, she and her publisher face jail terms if found guilty.
30 October 2006
THY Layoff Of Pregnant Staff Disputed
Union reacts to THY contract allowing unilateral layoffs in case of cabin crew pregnancy. Hava Is Deputy Chair Ates says discriminating agreement is an attack against the labor of women.
30 October 2006
Emine Özcan
Conscientious Objection Platform Launched
Conscientious Objection Platform will work for legislation recognizing the right to object to military service. Platform intends to campaign for rights of penalized conscientious objectors and journalists covering their plight.
27 October 2006
Three More Journalists Charged Under 301
Journalists Ozkan, Arcayurek and Bulut have been charged under article 301 for publicly denigrating Turkish soldiers in a program on Kanal Turk TV. Total of 68 people charged under controversial articles 301 and 159 in past 18 months.
27 October 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
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World Independent Media in Istanbul
Academics, journalists and students aspiring for an independent media are coming together in Istanbul on Nov. 4-5. Participants including Ramonet, Castellanos, Tageszeitungs Mika and TeleSURs Aharonian are to discuss the possibilities of another media
27 October 2006
Tolga Korkut
Child Death Probe Team Investigated
Public prosecutor launches investigation into rights advocates investigating the suspected killing of a girl by security. Among the suspects is Bar Association chair Ozevin who says the enquiry is repressive and an attempt to block rights activists.
21 October 2006
Kemal Özmen
RTUK Recommends French Media Boycott
Supreme Radio and Television Board issues recommendation for Turkish media to boycott French media products in a retaliation to the Armenian Genocide Bill. Recommendation in force until bill is completely off the agenda.
21 October 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
DTP: All NGOs Should Work For Lasting Peace
Pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party calls on all labor, employer organizations and NGOs to take bold and determined steps for the PKK cease-fire to be lasting. Says problem should be solved through internal dynamics and all weapons need to be silenced.
21 October 2006
Chomskys Publishers On Trial
Publishers of the translation of Chomskys Role of Mass Media: Manufacturing of Consent tell court it shouldnt be them facing the bench. Publisher Tas, translator Abadoglu, editor Tosun and Kurhan face up to six years in jail, if found guilty.
19 October 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
Imprisoned DIHA Reporter Not Released
Malatya High Criminal Court decides on continued imprisonment of DIHA reporter Rustu Demirkaya who is charged with aiding and abetting an outlawed organization based on claims of a repentant pro-Kurdish PKK member.
19 October 2006
Erol Önderoğlu
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