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Murdered Dinks Thoughts on Trial
In the case that had been opened against murdered journalist Hrant Dink for stating that he believed an Armenian genocide had taken place, the prosecution has demanded that the owner and the manager of Dinks Agos newspaper be punished under Article 301
15 June 2007
Deep State Surfacing
After a police raid on a home in Ümraniye, a suburb of Istanbul, the secret weapons arsenal found has turned out to belong to retired petty officer Oktay Yildirim, one of the founders of the ultra-nationalist Kuvayi Milliye Association (KMD).
15 June 2007
Deep State Surfacing
After a police raid on a home in Ümraniye, a suburb of Istanbul, the secret weapons arsenal found has turned out to belong to retired petty officer Oktay Yildirim, one of the founders of the ultra-nationalist Kuvayi Milliye Association (KMD).
15 June 2007
Independent Candidates Hope for Change
The independent candidates of the left and of the pro-Kurdish DTP have got clear ideas about their mission, should they be elected into parliament. Tüzel, independent candidate in Izmir, and Geylani and Ike, all see the need for more democracy.
14 June 2007
ECHR Considering Turkish Cases
Today, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is to start hearing the appeals of several Turkish journalists who have been penalised with prison sentences or publishing bans for their news and articles.
14 June 2007
Military Thwarted in Semdinli Case
The 3rd Heavy Penal Court in Van has decided not to go along with the demand of the Supreme Court of Appeals that the Semdinli case be tried before a military court. However, it has accepted the demand to reopen the trial. The next hearing is 11 July.
14 June 2007
Working for Women Without a Life
Two women, Ayse Tükrükcü and Saliha Ermez, both former sex workers, are preparing to stand as independent candidates in Istanbul. In Turkey, there are 68 brothels but only 32 womens shelters, and one of their aims is to increase the number of the latter.
13 June 2007
Dink 301 Trial Continues to Haunt Colleagues
After the murder of journalist Hrant Dink, the trials against him under Article 301 were dropped. However, other journalists from the Armenian newspaper Agos, Sarkis Seropyan, Arat Dink and Karin Karakasli are still on trial. Their next hearing is 14 June
13 June 2007
301 Doesnt Exist Europe
An international conference on freedom of expression in Turkey and the EU, organised by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and hosted at Bilgi University in Istanbul, participants discussed threats to freedom of expression and compared the situation.
12 June 2007
People in South-East Want Peace
Local journalists in the three south-eastern provinces which have been declared temporary security zones (Siirt, Sirnak and Hakkari) have said that daily life is not much changed, but that a general increase in violence worries people.
11 June 2007
Army Calls for Mass Reaction to Terror
After the e-warning of 27 April this year, the General Staff has again published a controversial article on its website. Again late at night, and this time the website called on the noble Turkish people to take part in a mass reflex against terror.
11 June 2007
To Go or Not to Go
On June 6th, a premature report of a big Turkish invasion of northern Iraq rocked markets. Certainly thousands of Turkish troops, backed by tanks and artillery, have massed for a possible offensive against Kurdish PKK rebels in Iraq.
8 June 2007
Amberin Zaman
Three Provinces Declared Security Zones
Turkish General Staff has announced that the three south-eastern provinces of Siirt, Hakkari and Sirnak have been turned into temporary security zones from 9 June until 9 September, meaning that civilian entry into these provinces will be restricted.
8 June 2007
The Left Protests Against Privatisation
Based on World Bank data, it is claimed that, worldwide, Turkey has privatised the most in the last four years. Representatives of the Turkish left have decried this development and said it results in poverty for the masses while a few enjoy the benefits.
8 June 2007
Human Rights Activists Face Imprisonment
A penal court in Adana, south of Turkey, has sentenced three members of the Adana branch of the Association for Human Rights (IHD) to imprisonment for criticising the Return to Life operations of December 2000.
8 June 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
ECHR Convicts Turkey in Gold Mine Case
Turkey has been convicted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for ignoring court orders to stop the Eurogold mining company, and for the government to give the said company special permission to continue extracting.
8 June 2007
ECHR Orders Turkey to Compensate Journalist
Journalist Nevzat Onaran, imprisoned in Turkey for the publication and distribution of a brochure on freedom of expression, has been vindicated by the European Court of Human Rights. Turkey is to pay compensation.
7 June 2007
604 Independent Candidates for Elections
In the general elections of this year, there will be 604 independent candidates standing, about 15 of them women. Political parties who cannot hope to overcome the 10 percent electoral hurdle are also fielding independent candidates.
7 June 2007
Silence Guns for Democratic Elections
In the light of the PKK attack in Tunceli and the ongoing military operations in the East and South-East of Turkey, there have been calls for an ending of violence in order to ensure democratic elections.
7 June 2007
Tolga Korkut
PKK Attack Kills Seven Soldiers
The PKK attacked a gendarmerie station in Tunceli; seven soldiers were killed and seven more injured. One PKK militant was killed. According to the Gündem newspaper, the PKK has officially taken responsibility for the attack.
6 June 2007
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Disagreement Among Independent Candidates
Despite the attempts of groups of the left and the pro-Kurdish DTP to collaborate in choosing candidates in the major cities in Turkey which do not have a Kurdish majority, disagreements have emerged. The DTP has withdrawn support from several candidates
6 June 2007
Independent Candidates May Act Green
According to environmentalists Cangi, Atici and Sahin, the mainstream political parties are interested in profit rather than the right to live. The independent candidates of the left may be an opportunity for environmental groups to get their voices heard
6 June 2007
Again, Moustaches Would Dominate Parliament
As all parties have now declared their candidate lists for the upcoming elections on 22 July, it has become clear that political parties have not made women candidates a priority. Ka-Der has called for a legally inscribed women´s quota.
6 June 2007
Parliament Passes Law on Police Powers
The Proposal to Change the Law on Police Duties and Authorities has been passed by parliament. Presidential ratification is still needed. Parliament has adjourned until after the elections.
5 June 2007
Centre-Right Parties Fail to Unite
The True Path Party and the Motherland Party had vowed to unite under the banner of the Democratic Party in order to ensure entry into parliament. The union has now failed.
5 June 2007
Call for Turkey to Listen to ECHR
International Action Day, which is marked internationally on 5 June, is being taken as an opportunity to protest against Turkeys treatment of conscientious objectors. Turkey is being called on to accept the decision of the European Court of Human Rights.
5 June 2007
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Tried for Remembering Murdered Student
20 people who are being tried for remembering the murder of a student in Ankara in 1977 are facing the judge for the second time on 8 June. The Middle East Technical University Graduates Association is supporting the defendants.
5 June 2007
Homosexuals Regret Lack of Representation
Homosexuals complain that their rights are being ignored by political parties again. They are looking for candidates to represent their problems in parliament and are thus turning to independent, women and DTP candidates.
4 June 2007
Women Seek Voice in Parliament
Women are stil underrepresented in parliament, says the Association for the Support and Education of Women Candidates (Ka-Der). Association members are standing in the elections and are also supporting other female candidates.
4 June 2007
Left and Kurds Prepare for Parliament
As 4 June is the deadline for the announcement of parliamentary candidates, most groups have decided on their choices. Groups on the left and the pro-Kurdish DTP are fielding independent candidates in order to overcome the 10 percent threshold.
4 June 2007
Parliament Approves Constitutional Change
The constitutional amendment package which President Ahmet Necdet Sezer had vetoed was yesterday passed by parliament without any changes. 397 MPs took part in the secret ballot, and 370 voted for, and 21 against it.
1 June 2007
Saying Goodbye to President Sezer
Although President Sezers official time in office ended on 16 May, the unsuccessful presidential elections at the end of April have left him in office until a new president is elected. Bianet has taken a look at his life and presidential career.
1 June 2007
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