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Journalist On Trial For Last Five Years
Journalist Ersen Korkmaz, owner of the Demokrat Iskenderun newspaper, has been on trial under Article 159, now succeeded by Article 301, for the last five years.
14 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Gün TV: Kurdish Broadcasts Difficult
The Diyarbakir Gün TV channel has been broadcasting in Kurdish, but has faced many difficulties due to RTÜK stipulations.
14 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Landmine Monitor: Still Many Mines Left in Turkey
According to the Landmine Monitor 2007 report, 18 people died and 55 people were injured because of landmines last year.
14 November 2007
Erhan Üstündağ
Newspaper Confiscated for "Anti-Military" Article
The 32nd issue of a local Gaziantep newspaper was confiscated after an article entitled "Mother, Don't Send Me to the Army" was published.
14 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Broadcasting and Print Ban on Hostage Investigation
After the State Council rejected a broadcasting ban on the PKK attack in Daglica on 21 October, a military court has now announced a broadcasting and print ban on the prosecution of the eight soldiers released from PKK captivity.
14 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
No Trial against Journalist Umur Talu
Istanbul Press Prosecutor Nurten Altinok has decided to drop proceedings against journalist Umur Talu who had described the dissatisfaction of sergeants in the army.
13 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Malatya Murder Case To Start 23 November
After three employees of the Zirve publishing house were killed in their office in Malatya seven months ago, the trial of sevem of the suspects starts in ten days.
13 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
“Eight Soldier Hostages Arrested as Deterrents”
Retired military judge Kardas criticises the condemnation of the eight soldiers for “not dying”. Journalist Akad sees the arrest of the soldiers after their release as an attempt at deterring further cases of surrender.
13 November 2007
Emine Özcan
Released Soldiers in Prison!
After being released by the PKK, the eight soldier hostages have been arrested for "not fulfilling their duty, disobedience and desertion abroad".
12 November 2007
Two Gendarmerie to be Tried for Negligence in Dink Murder
The Trabzon Prosecution has opened a trial against two gendarmerie officers for not acting on information about the planned murder of journalist Hrant Dink.
12 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Baykal Calls for "Neighbourly Relations" with Iraq
Baykal said, "If we have brotherly relations with Iraq, Iraq will behave more responsibly on the issue of exporting terrorism; it will feel the need to behave like a good neighbour."
12 November 2007
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Protests against Cumhuriyet Journalist's Dismissal
The "We Want Our Future" Istanbul Initiative protested against the dismissal of journalist Erdogan Aydin; the Tunceli Bar Association has called for a review of the decision.
12 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey Strongly Urged to Liberalize Article 301
Rights organisation Freedom House has called for changes in Article 301, as well as a less restrictive application of the new Turkish Penal Code.
12 November 2007
252 Organisations Call for Peace
Organisations in the East and Southeast of Turkey have called on the PKK to put down arms and on the government to create favourable conditions for peace.
9 November 2007
Tolga Korkut
Local TV in Diyarbakir Fined by RTÜK
RTÜK has fined the Diyarbakir Gün TV a total of 200,000 YTL for "broadcasts violating truth and neutrality".
9 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
RSF: 301 Needs "Deeds not Words"
In a press release of 7 November, Reporters Without Borders (RWB) have called on the Turkish Minister of Justice to act on promises to change Article 301.
9 November 2007
Yoleri New President of Istanbul IHD
The Istanbul branch of the IHD has voted for its new president and managing committee.
9 November 2007
Tolga Korkut
Multilingual Diyarbakir Municipality on Trial
After offering municipal services in three languages apart from Turkish, mayor Abdullah Demirbas from the Sur municipality in Diyarbakir was taken from office and his municipal council was dissolved. The trial against Demirbas and twenty others has started.
9 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Talu "Warned"
After "Sabah" newspaper journalist Umur Talu wrote a column entitled "He Was the Politest Politician, But Look What Happened", lawyers from the Dogan Media Group issued a refutation and rectification statement.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
PKK Attack: 1 Soldier, 3 PKK Militants Dead
The PKK attacked a gendarmerie station in Tunceli. One sergeant and three PKK members were killed.
7 November 2007
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Judges and Prosecutors Criticise Prime Minister
The Union of Judges and Prosecutors has condemned Erdogan’s criticism of the State Council’s decision to stop a broadcasting ban on the Hakkari/Daglica attack.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Nationalist Singer and Composer on Trial
Singer Ismail Türüt and composer Arif Sirin, as well as two people charged with creating a clip on YouTube, are on trial for "praising a criminal" and "inciting hatred and hostility". Up to 7.5 years imprisonment are demanded.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Arat Dink and Seropyan Sentenced
Agos editor-in-chief Arat Dink and licence holder Serkis Seropyan have been given a deferred one-year prison sentence each under Article 301.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
"Changing Article 301 an Urgent Necessity"
The EU Progress Report has demanded an urgent change of Article 301 and has expressed worry over the Anti-Terorrism Law.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
IHD: Be Happy About Hostage Release!
Hüsnü Öndül of the IHD has condemned the public statements of some ministers who have marred the happy occasion of the release of eight soldier hostages.
7 November 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
Prosecution Investigates Delegation Freeing Hostages
The prosecution has begun an investigation of the three DTP MPs involved in the freeing of eight soldier hostages.
6 November 2007
Tolga Korkut
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Prosecutor Demands Acquittal for “Minority Report”
The Chief Prosecutor at the Supreme Court of Appeals has called for the acquittal of academics Kaboglu and Oran to be ratified.
6 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Newspaper Dismisses Writer Speaking on Roj TV
Erdogan Aydin has been dismissed by Cumhuriyet newspaper after taking part in a programme concerning religious education on the Kurdish Roj TV channel.
6 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
White House Signals “Yellow Light”
Erdogan and Bush have agreed on exchange of intelligence. Erdogan has ruled out extensive military operations, while Bush seems to have accepted limited incursions.
6 November 2007
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Rice and Babacan: PKK is "Common Enemy"
In a joint press briefing, Rice and Babacan outlined their vision for collaboration on the fight against "PKK terrorism". Rice wants Iraq involved.
5 November 2007
Gökçe Gündüç
Peace Rally in Ankara
At a rally organised by KESK, TMMOB and TTB, forty thousand people called for peace and protested against planned cross-border operations.
5 November 2007
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Eight Hostage Soldiers Released
The eight soldiers taken hostage after a PKK attack in Daglica, Hakkari, on 21 October, have been released. They were handed over to a delegation from Turkey.
5 November 2007
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
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