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Letter from Prison Proves Torture Killed Rights Activist
The court considering the death of activist Çeber has been given a letter written by the deceased and smuggled out of prison by a cell mate. A lawyer for his family believes that this will prove the defendants in the case are lying.
2 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
General Staff Reacts to Kurdish MP Speaking in Kurdish
Supposing it's illegal to talk in Kurdish during a party assembly in the parliament, Spokesperson Gen. Gürak said that "the judiciary would intervene", responding to DTP MP Ahmet Türk's speech in his mother tongue.
1 March 2009
"We Demand Kurdish at Local Level, not in Central Administration"
DTP MP Demirbaş evaluates recent discussions regarding the Kurdish issue. Government's reforms regarding the use of Kurdish aren't for Kurds, rather for the state, says Demirbaş. "We're open to discuss any proposal leading to a peaceful solution."
1 March 2009
Tolga Korkut
Plane Crash: Dutch Officials Suspect Engine Problems
The leader of an investigative team on the accident site in Amsterdam has expressed suspicions that engine trouble is to blame for the accident. Of the nine dead, five are said to be of Turkish and four of US nationality.
28 February 2009
“Parents Should Protest against Religious Education Classes on Philosophical Grounds”
Lawyer Gürgöz has told parents who want their children to be exempted from obligatory RE classes that they do not have to state their religious affiliation. It is enough to say that the class violates their philosophical views.
28 February 2009
US Human Rights Report Criticises Restrictions on Freedom of Expression
A report on human rights in Turkey published on the Internet by the U.S. Department of State highlights ongoing human rights violations in the country.
26 February 2009
Retired Diplomats and Generals Urge Solution to Kurdish Issue
A report on “Turkey today and tomorrow” also considers the Kurdish issue. Retired diplomats and generals are quoted as calling for a domestic solution.
26 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Zirve Massacre Related to Deep State"
Attending lawyer Ozkan says that the arrest of two more suspects isn't enough to reveal the full picture behind the murders of three people in Malatya, on allegations of "missionary activities".
26 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
What Kurdish MP Said in Mother Tongue – Whole Text
Below follows the English translation of the Turkish version of what DTP politician Ahmet Türk said at his party group meeting in parliament in Kurdish.
26 February 2009
AKP Politician Unconcerned with Constitutional Equality for Gays
In the following article, a member of the publishing team of KAOS LG takes issue with an AKP MP's discriminatory attitude towards homosexuals and transsexuals as expressed on television.
26 February 2009
Umut Güner
Death of Special Branch Head Oktay
According to news reports, Oktay, head of the Police Special Branch shot himself and later died in hospital. He was implicated by other suspects in the Ergenekon trial, who said that he had collaborated on creating a secret team.
26 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
Diyarbakır Police Prevents Release of Children
Two children arrested for “membership in an illegal organisation” after taking part in protests during PM Erdoğan’s visit are being tried in detention. Rights activists came to watch the trials.
26 February 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Report Reveals Deep Inequalities in Education
A Reform in Education Initiative report says 4 in a 100 children are out of the educational system. Gender-based, regional and socio-economic inequalities require urgent policy change and increased resources, says the report.
25 February 2009
Ministry of Justice Allows for Two Protestants Trial
Although missionary activities are not criminalized, two people are on trial for "insulting Turkishness" among other accusations for dispensing bibles and making speeches against Islam and the military.
25 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalists Banned From Covering PM's Rally
PM Erdogan visits Corum to attend his party's election rally. Four local journalists and a correspondent for leftist daily Evrensel are not permitted to cover the event, upon an arbitrary request by PM's Security Department.
25 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Nine Dead as Turkish Airlines Plane Crashes in Amsterdam
Early Wednesday morning, a Turkish Airlines plane said to have been flying from Istanbul crashed at Amsterdam's airport. Nine are reported to have died, while fifty are injured, 25 of them seriously.
25 February 2009
Parties Have Used and Then Dropped Women
In their pre-election campaigns political parties have not hesitated to manipulate the symbolism of veiled and unveiled women and use women in other ways.The actual representation of women on party lists is embarrassingly low.
25 February 2009
Emine Özcan
Youth Shot by Police is Permanently Paralysed
After being shot by a police officer, Kirbaş’s treatment was obstructed for months. It has now become clear that his paralysis is permanent. The court case starts on 26 March.
25 February 2009
Emine Özcan
One Acquittal for Kurdish Song, One More Court Case to Go
Broadcasting editor Arslan of Radio Dünya says that a case brought against the station for playing the folk song Mihemendo two years ago has ended in acquittal. But another case is still in court.
25 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Kurdish Politician Speaks Mother Tongue in Parliament, Live Broadcast Cut
Parliament Speaker Toptan ordered a cut in the live broadcasting from parliament when Türk, co-chair of the Kurdish DTP spoke Kurdish in a party meeting at parliament.
25 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
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Second Court Case for Turkish Publisher of “God Delusion”
Following a first acquittal eleven months ago, publisher Karaslan now faces a second court case for the publication of Dawkin’s “The God Delusion”.
24 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Women Writers Meet in Edirne
The second stop of the PEN Women Writers’ Committee’s eleven-city tour through Anatolia is in Edirne. Writers will discuss the relations between women, literature and life with their readers.
24 February 2009
Editor Held Responsible for Insults against Anti-Militarist Journalists
An Istanbul court has sentenced responsible editor Dolu of the Tercüman newspaper to an administrative fine for allowing anti-militarist journalists Mağden and Temelkuran to be insulted in the paper.
24 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Court Says "Feel Free to Insult Those Apologising to Armenians"
An Istanbul court has decreed that journalist Can Ataklı’s claim that some people have received money from the EU to sign an apology campaign falls within the boundaries of freedom of thought. Lawyers have accused the judges of subjectivity.
24 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
“Lose No More Time in Clearing Mines”
Human rights organisations have accused Turkey of shirking the responsibilities brought by its signature under the Ottawa Agreement on the ban on mines five years ago.
24 February 2009
Bawer Çakır
Independent Media Will Bring Turkey and Germany Closer
At a conference organised by the Goethe Institute in Istanbul, journalists from Turkey and Germany expressed the need for more empathy between the two countries. bianet’s Kürkçü believes that an independent media is needed for that to happen.
23 February 2009
Bawer Çakır
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Racist Film in Schools: Lawyer Calls on Parents to Sue
Lawyer Fethiye Çetin has called on parents to go to court to prevent schools from screening a racist “documentary” dealing with the controversial events of 1915.
23 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
UNESCO: 15 Languages Endangered in Turkey
According to the Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger published by UNESCO prior to 21 February, International Mother Language Day, 15 languages are endangered in Turkey, and Turkey is doing nothing to save them.
22 February 2009
Tolga Korkut
Court Will Hear New Witnesses in Zirve Massacre Case
At the 15th hearing of the case, the court ordered 10 others to testify on the murder of three Protestants for alleged "missionary activities." Lawyers insist deep state involvement has been revealed.
22 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Women Have Already Lost Upcoming Local Elections
As poltical parties announce their lists of candidates, the near zero representation of women in local governments surfaces once again. As of now, only 0,6 percent of local governors are women. Ka-Der is lobbying for a 50 percent women's quota.
22 February 2009
Emine Özcan
PM Calls For Unity in Diyarbakır Amid Protests
PM Erdogan refrained from openly criticizing DTP, the powerful pro-Kurdish party in the region. TRT6 made a live broadcast of Erdogan's speech, translated into Kurdish. Five protestors were taken into custody.
22 February 2009
Yet Another Death at a Shipyard
The second shipyard death this year is "only" one in a long tragic chain of deaths. Worker Cemil Akgül died on 18 February after being electrocuted at the Tuzla Shipyards on the outskirts of Istanbul.
19 February 2009
Emine Özcan
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