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Children on Air for Their Rights
Children learn a lot about fundamental rights in workshops of the Child Study Unit of Bilgi University. They address their questions to adults in their own weekly radio program. Projects are developed for schools and for the environment.
16 July 2010
Semra Pelek
"CHP Avoids Kurdish Question"
Opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu talked to the Prime Minister and proposed five suggestions for a solution of the Kurdish question. Former President of the Diyarbakır Medical Chamber İpekyüz criticized that the proposals are insignificant in the present situation.
16 July 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Behind the Scenes of Rights Journalism: Graduates Visit bianet
The participants of the training program "From the Classroom to the Newsroom" visited bianet on Wednesday. Project Co-ordinator Kürkçü appreciated the fact that bianet provided a source for people struggling for rights.
15 July 2010
Burcu K. Kayanç
Deputy Governor Had Website Banned
A Şanlıurfa court decided to ban access to the Sanlıurfa.com website due to articles and reader comments criticizing Deputy Governor Yıdıray Malğaç. Assoc. Prof. Dr Akdeniz said the decision was a breach of the law.
15 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkish Journalists Should Enter the Fray against Windmills
On the second day of the training program "From the Newsroom to the Classroom", Özlem Dalkıran from the Helsinki Citizens Assembly and journalist Hilmi Hacaloğlu discussed relations between rights organisations and the media and the perception of rights journalism.
14 July 2010
Özlem Dalkıran,Çiçek Tahaoğlu,Hilmi Hacaloğlu
"The State Cannot Remain Passive when Women Ask for Protection"
In a divorce case filed by a woman because of domestic violence, Judge Doğan of an İstanbul Court emphasized that the woman has to be seen as an "individual without protection". The state and the judiciary could not remain impassive to a request of protection.
14 July 2010
Burçin Belge
Ancillary Trial: Judge Learned Details from Television
Lipp reading expert Tekol and Yıldız from atv stand trial because of "attempting to influence a fair trial" on the grounds of broadcasting the contents of an expert report on TV prior to a hearing of the Engin Çeber torture case. The Çeber family were not accepted as joint plaintiffs.
14 July 2010
Berivan Tapan
Journalist Çandar Sued for Criticizing Handling of Dink Murder Case
Referans newspaper writer Çandar is facing imprisonment for his article about the handling of the Hrant Dink murder case. He criticized that the secret witness had not appeared at court. He had also called the judge being too free-and-easy. His trial was postponed to 13 December.
14 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Anti-Terror Draft Law on the Parliamentary Agenda
The draft law of the Anti-Terror Act concerned with the situation of children on trial will be discussed in the Turkish Parliament this week. Children's rights advocators still find the amendments insufficient and urge the MPs to recognize related international agreements.
13 July 2010
Semra Pelek
"Know Your Rights and Responsibilities"
Rights and responsibilities of journalists were the main topic of the first day of the education program "From the classroom to the newsroom". The most important message was that "a journalist may not incite racism, discrimination and sexism by the news".
13 July 2010
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Dink Family Lawyers Urge Prosecutors for Action
In the 14th hearing of the Hrant Dink murder case, the joint attorneys of the Dink family requested to include the former Istanbul Governor Güngör and four other key figures in the trial. The Gendarmerie disproved the statement of witness Özen.
13 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu,Burçin Belge
Press Freedom Award for bianet
The Turkish Journalists Association awarded bianet for journalism focussing on rights. Individual awards were given to Hürriyet newspaper writer Ergin and to journalists Kurşun, Saymaz and Aktan on behalf of journalists facing prison threats and currently being detained.
13 July 2010
Erhan Üstündağ
Lawyer Çetin: "Hrant Dink Case Will Finish the Way it Started"
The files of the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink at the ECHR and in Trabzon have reached their final stages. The Istanbul 14th Criminal Court hurries to decide the case without having considered all aspects. Lawyer Fethiye Çetin criticized the handling of the case.
12 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Prosecutor Deemed "Fist" Column as Freedom of Expression
The Diyarbakır Prosecution assessed Yılmaz Özdil's column about the punch on Kurdish Politician Ahmet Türk as freedom of expression. Özdil had written, "The person who punched Türk on his nose became the interpreter of the feelings of many people in this country".
12 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Ilıcak Facing Imprisonment - Again
Journalist Nazlı Ilıcak is facing imprisonment for an article where she wrote about accusations that Ergenekon defendant Atilla Uğur organized the order to kill Rıdvan Özden".
12 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Rights Journalism for Graduates
The training program "From the Classroom to the Newsroom" is currently being held in Istanbul for the fourth time to inform journalist candidates about responsible journalism. Nadire Mater opened the program which is attended by 26 graduates, 11 observers and 21 lecturers.
12 July 2010
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
First Quarterly Media Monitoring Report 2010 - Full Text
According to the 2010 January-February-March Media Monitoring Report, published by the BİA Media Monitoring Desk, a total of 216 people were on trial in the context of freedom of thought and expression during the first three months of the year, among them 69 journalists.
9 July 2010
"Attack on Journalist Gökkaya is Attack on Social Peace"
Şükrü Gökkaya, news director or Bizim Radio Television, was attacked on 7 July in Karabük by a member of the Turkish Metal Workers Union who had recently be made redundant.
9 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Constitutional Court Partially Annulled Reform Package
The Constitutional Court annulled parts of the government's constitutional reform package that redefined the process of electing member to the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors and the High Court. The package is to be approved in a referendum on 12 September.
9 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu,Burçin Belge
Journalists Acquitted from Charges for the Term "Murderers"
Journalists Kurt and Kökçüoğlu were finally acquitted by an Ankara court. They were tried for defending the right to conscientious objection and because they called the people responsible for the death of 12-year-old Uğur Kaymaz "murderers".
9 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
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Prosecutor Demands 10 Years in Jail for Kurdish Politician Tuğluk
The prosecutor of the Ankara 11th High Criminal Court demanded imprisonment of 10 years for Aysel Tuğluk, former official of the closed DTP. Among other charges, Tuğluk is tried because she referred to PKK leader Öcalan as "respectable". The case continues on 5 October.
8 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Başbuğ Breached the Law Again and Meddled with Politics"
Taraf newspaper criticized the allegations voiced by Gen. Başbuğ that the police leaked documents of the Ergenekon Investigation to the newspaper. The daily accused him of racism and disrespectfulness. BDP member Demirtaş called for the suspension of the Chief of General Staff.
8 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Imprisoned Juveniles Punished and Transferred after Protest
The Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses declared that the cells of the juveniles who protested against conditions of detention were closed. A criminal investigation was launched into the juveniles involved. Then, they were all transferred to different institutions.
8 July 2010
Semra Pelek
"No Bureaucratic Procedure May Jeopardize a Person's Life!"
18-year-old Abdullah Akçay is kept at the convicts ward of a SSK Hospital in Istanbul, even though he is in critical condition because he is suffering from blood cancer. Lawyer Taner expects the urgent release of Akçay and warned that valuable time has been lost.
7 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Peace Parliament: Pave the Way to a Solution, not to NATO
The Turkish Peace Parliament warned the government to refer to NATO for a solution of the Kurdish question. Spokesman Bakkalcı said, "The solution to the Kurdish question is not calling on NATO but negotiations by middlemen".
7 July 2010
Tolga Korkut
Turkey Convicted for Anti-Terrorism Law
The European Court of Human Rights sentenced Turkey by reason of the convictions of Maya magazine official Aylin Gözel and Yeni Dünya Için Çağrı magazine chief editor Aziz Özer. The court criticized the Anti-Terror Law because "it does not respect journalists' rights".
7 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
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Wave of Violence in South-Eastern Turkey Does not Abate
Three soldiers and nine PKK members allegedly died in clashes in the province of Hakkari in south-eastern Turkey. The Fırat News agency announced that for soldiers were killed in an attack in Yüksekova. Another five soldiers were wounded in the province of Elazığ.
6 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Prison Sentence for Journalist for Criticism of Headscarf Ban
Star newspaper Publications Director Karaalioğlu received a suspended prison sentence because of criticizing the dismissal of a law by the Constitutional Court that would have lifted the headscarf ban at universities.
6 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Bağca: "A Trial Like a Caricature!"
Artist Bağca was sentenced to imprisonment of ten months for commemorating artists and a child who were killed in alleged conflicts with the Armed Forces. The "expert commission" at court was composed of special operation police officers.
6 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu,Bawer Çakır
Protest Attacks in Bingöl and Yüksekova
The party headquarters of the AKP in Bingöl and a police tank in Yüksekova have been attacked. Shopkeepers in Şırnak and Cizre have closed their shops in protest.
5 July 2010
Why Low Turnout at ESF March?
Bianet has asked international and Turkish activists why so few people joined the march of the European Social Forum on Saturday.
5 July 2010
Öcalan Announces Suggestions for Peace
The imprisoned leader of the Kurdish PKK has repeated his demand for a democratic constitution. He argued that a range of legal reforms could prepare the ground for this.
5 July 2010
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