Under the Pavement Lies the Books

Launched by a twitter campaign of Yitik Ülke Publishing House, Gezi Park Library is expanding incessantly. Hundreds of books have so far been distributed to activists - a campaign supported by publishing houses, activists and artisans. bianet also contributed to the library with its donations “10 Years of Freedom of Expression”, “Child Focused Journalism”, and “Woman Focused Journalist”.
The library already became one of the most popular spots of Gezi Park. The idea came to mind when a tweet message saying “Let Gezi Park stay as park. Let’s open a library. Let’s support Yitik Ülke Publishing House. Let the fraternity win. Is it that hard? That’s the Free Library that we wish to see in Gezi Park” went viral and resulted in the construction of bookshelves out of bricks.
bia publications in shelves
All the donated publications are distributed free of charge to activists. Voluntary librarians call out genres such as “social sciences”, “love novels”, “history” to meet related books with their new readers.
An activist in charge of library said they have been handed hundreds of items in a short amount of time. It looks like donators are as many as readers. I am exploring the library after submitting bianet publications to an activist with a great deal.
My first impression is that the library sounds like the famous slogan of 1968: “Under the pavement lies the beach”. But it looks like what is lying under is the books this time. All sort of books. Thus, it is possible to see Mem-u Zin next to university entrance test books or a history book for 10th graders.
Although it seems unclear whether book reading is a part and method of resistance from Day 1, but Gezi Library serves 24/7. At any time of the day, you might come across someone either donating or checking out an item. The resistance is expanding as the library is so. (EA/HK/BM)
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