Two More Gendarmerie Under Investigation In Dink’s Murder

The number of the gendarmerie officers who are under investigation for neglect in Hrant Dink’s murder has become six, excluding the two who are already on trial.
Trabzon’s Regional Administrative Court had already decided to launch an investigation against Trabzon Gendarmerie Regiment Commander Colonel Ali Öz for neglect in Dink’s murder on January 19, 2007.
Bakırcıoğlu: The prosecutor should have the files of the eight officers
Thus Gendarmerie Petty Officer Hüseyin Yılmaz and Master Sergeant Hacı Ömer Ünalır may be tried in accordance with the statements of Gendarmerie Petty Officer Okan Şimşek and Gendarmerie Master Sergeant Veysel Şahin.
The investigation launched against Colonel Ali Öz, who was described as the one responsible for the neglect in Dink’s murder by everyone under him, has not been completed yet.
With this last decision, the authorities have given permission for the investigation of the eight gendarmerie officers so far. Okan Şimşek and Veysel Şahin among them are already on trial. Hakan Bakırcıoğlu, one of the lawyers of Dink’s family, said that the Trabzon Chief Prosecutor should have the files of the eight officers.”
The objection of Dink’s lawyers paid off
At the end of the civil investigation by the Minister of Interior regarding the twelve gendarmeries upon demand of the Trabzon Governorship, permission for investigation was granted for Ali Öz, Metin Yıldız, Gazi Günay, Okan Şimşek, Veysel Şahin and Önder Araz, but denied for Ünalır and Yılmaz.
Reaching the conclusion that officers working for a unit assigned to observe the activities of the radical right wing groups should be considered responsible, the lawyers of Dink’s family objected to the decision regarding Ünalır and Yılmaz. The Trabzon Regional Adminitrative Court finally decided two weeks ago that both of these officers should be investigated as well.
The court reached the conclusion that Şahin and Şimşek conveyed the information they received from gendarmerie informant Coşkun İğci about Dink’s murder to the person assigned to observe the right wing groups, Yılmaz, and this information was later transferred to Ünalır.
Şahin and Şimşek’s case will continue at the Criminal Court of First Instance
The Regional Administrative Court ruled, “Even if these people were given orders to the contrary, they should have still done their duties.”
The case will continue at Trabzon’s Criminal Court of First Instance.
Until today, no member of the Trabzon Police Department has been taken to court for neglect in Dink’s murder. (EÖ/TB)
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