With No Climate Policy At All, Turkey At Bottom of CCPI’s Climate Policy Ranking

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In the Climate Summit going on in Marrakech province of Morocco, Turkey has been ranked in the 51st place among 58 countries in total according to the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) - 2017 and was on the very bottom of climate policy ranking for not having a climate policy at all.
In the publication is issued by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, the Climate Change Performance Index evaluates and compares the "climate protection performance of 58 countries that together are responsible for about 90% of global energy-related CO2 emissions".
In the report prepared with the help of 280 energy and climate experts from all over the world, emission levels, development of emissions, renewable energies, efficiency and climate policy have been reviewed.
Turkey ranked 51st
Turkey has been ranked in the 51st place among 58 countries in total according to the CCPI-2017.
As the only country which has no climate policy at all, Turkey was on the very bottom of climate policy ranking.
According to the index developed each year for the last 12 years, Turkey was ranked 50th in 2016, 51st in 2015, 54th in 2014 and 57th in 2013.
Large investments in new coal-fired power plants at center of criticism
Stating that Turkey had a "relatively low emissions level compared to the large emitters", the report criticized that the emissions nevertheless were increasing at a very fast pace.
The report has also criticized Turkey for building a "large number of new coal-fired power plants" and drew attention to the criticisms of national experts that "the funding of most projects aiming at climate protection came from international institutions rather than national budgets". (NV/DG)
Click to read the full report.