Wedding Guests Fire Their Guns into Air, One Child Loses His Life

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The guests of a wedding fired their shotguns and pistols into the air in Turkey's southeastern province of Antep last evening (August 4). A bullet fired from these weapons hit the stomach of 12-year-old Hüseyin Cennet.
The child was taken into operation; however, he could not be saved. The gendarmerie forces have started working to find the owner of the weapon that caused the death of the child.
Two weeks ago in Turkey's capital city of Ankara, 16-year-old groom lost his life after being hit by a bullet fired in a dispute that erupted at the wedding.
Armed violence has increased by 69 percent
The Armed Violence Map of Turkey and the 2018 Report have indicated that armed violence has increased by 69 percent over the last four years.
According to the "2018 Armed Violence Report of Turkey" released by the Umut Foundation, while 2 thousand 175 incidents of gun violence were reported in the news in Turkey in 2015, this figure has increased by 69 percent to 3 thousand 679 in the last four years.
Underlining that 2 thousand 279 people were killed with pistols, rifles and sharp objects throughout 2018, the Foundation has also indicated that 3 thousand 762 people were also wounded. According to the Foundation, while 1,478 of the deceased were killed by rifles, 1,429 of them were killed by pistols and 772 of them by sharp objects. (AÖ/SD)