Website Mocks Defamation Charges from Ankara Mayor

A new mock website - (Did Melih Gökçek sue me?) - allows users to check online whether they have been sued over defamation charges by Melih Gökçek, Ankara’s controversial mayor.
Melih Gökçek, who remains in office since 1994, is notorious with his defamation complaints over random twitter users he interacts.
“The content of this website does not represent the reality. Melih Gökçek might have sued you already, or not” a disclaimer said on the website.
The website also includes a mock check questionnaire to protect users from being sued by Melih Gökçek. Some of the questions included:
“Are you a computer user?”, “Are you on twitter?”, “Have you recently spoken negatively about anyone with first name Melih or last name Gökçek, except Melih Gökçek himself?”, “Have you been raided by police even if you didn’t do anything special?”
Some of the multiple choice test answers include:
“How shall we delete cookies?”, “I wrote him ‘How are you doing buddy?’ lately. Does it count?”, “His profile picture is awesome. It makes me forget everything.”
At the end of the test, some of the mock scores included:
“There are no direct defamation charges against you”, “We detected no sues over defamation. But better keep away from the court”, “Please check your mailbox”
Lately Melih Gökçek declared that he would sue all twitter users who would argue with him. Police raided high school student İ.E.’s apartment and confiscated his computer upon Melih Gökçek’s defamation complaint.