Turks said Yes, Greeks Said No in Cyprus
This result strengthens the Turkish side's hand, as the European Union and America are expected to revise their approach to Cyprus issue.
The European Commission issued a statement right after the referenda results became clear. The Commission declared that it was sad to see that Greeks rejected the Annan Plan by such a crushing majority. It stressed that a huge opportunity to solve the chronic Cyprus problem had been missed. On the other hand, the statement praised the Turkish side. The Commission stated that they are now ready to explore ways of contributing to Northern Cyprus' economic development. The U.S. congratulated the Cypriot Turkish side and expressed its disappointment with the Greeks' rejection of the plan. A Foreign Ministers meeting in Luxembourg will now have to determine the new policy of the European Union as it prepares to accept the Greeks on May 1 despite this result.
Ankara gladly accepted the result. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Northern Cyprus could no longer be kept internationally isolated.
Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said he was sad since both of the sides did not say 'Yes'. Gul emphasized that the Greeks made the separation in the island permanent.
He added that Kofi Annan rejected the possibility of a second referendum. The National Security Council (MGK) will meet tomorrow to formulate a new strategy in light of these developments.
Greek side spokesman Kipros Hrisostomidis, worried about international pressure, defended that the result did not mean the Greeks were opposed to a solution.
Voter turn out in the referenda was 85 percent on the Turkish side and 96 percent on the Greek side. After the result was announced, people on the Greek and Turkish sides gathered in various squares and demonstrated with flags and banners. (YE)