Turkish Journalists Campaign For Union
"Despite all the promises Turkey has made to Europe there are unpleasant changes on the way that could damage press freedom and outlaw the right of journalists to organize," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and EFJ.
White met with Turkish journalists' leaders in Istanbul last week at a meeting on democracy and media where a series of legal and academic experts also criticized recent changes in the Turkish Penal Code that put further pressure on journalism and press freedom.
Ercan Ipekçi, General Secretary of the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS), one of the IFJ's two affiliates in Turkey, said that government plans to encourage the creation of unions which cover whole sectors of the industry could lead to the extinction of an independent, autonomous trade union organization for journalists.
He said that the TGS had launched a campaign to fight for press freedom and for the right to maintain an independent organization for journalists.
The union has begun a campaign to ensure ''Press Freedom and to Say No to Censorship'' and also published a "Declaration on Press Freedom". Ipekci explained that within the framework of the campaign, letters would be mailed to government officials and walk-outs would be organized.
"It is absolutely vital that journalists maintain the right to organize," said White. "If these changes go through it will create a situation where Turkey is the only country in the region where journalists cannot organize freely as trade unionists. It would be a scandalous infringement of their rights."
During the meeting, organized with the support of the Turkish Progressive Journalists Association, the IFJ's other Turkish affiliate, White called on Turkish media professionals to play a bridging role in promoting dialogue between journalists of the Middle East and Europe over current press freedom challenges.
He particularly called for action to combat growing intolerance and racism in Europe, which he said, was "nurtured and encouraged by unscrupulous and racist politicians" that use the media to further intolerance between Muslim groups and other communities in Europe.
This issue will form part of a debate being organized by the IFJ/EFJ in Spain in April this year, which will focus specifically on media, journalism and terrorism. (YE)