Tried for Remembering Murdered Student
Karakaya's name not in court decision
Ertugrul Karakaya had been killed by the gendarmerie when he was a student at ODTÜ in 1977.
In 1979, private Osman Özdemir had been detained in relation to the murder. After his trial at a Heavy Penal Court in Ankara, he was set free four days later.
According to the court decision, Özdemir and several sworn public witnesses were listened to. Because the court decision did not mention Karakaya's name, it was impossible for his family to join the court case as a third party. In addition, because the case is over ten years old, all documents except for the court decision have been destroyed.
The court decision was made unanimously, with an option for appeal. However, because Karakaya was only mentioned as "the victim" four times, his family was not informed of the trial and could not appeal.
The Istanbul Association of ODTÜ Graduates has announced that it will support the defendants by attending the trial in Salihli, in the Aegean part of Turkey. (GI/EÜ/AG/EÜ)