Thousands Urge: Government, Sign Kyoto!
Turkey's Greens spokesperson on Climate Cahnge, Dr. Umit Sahin said following the presentation of all the signatures gathered during a recent campaigne titled "Turkey Sign Kyoto!", they briefed the comission on climate change.
Sahin told that they provided the comission data as quoted by the United Nations Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) .
That is, Turkey as a developing industrial country has a notable contribution to the global greenhouse emissions and it ranks among the top 20 countries in this respect.
Given the situation, Turkey remains one of the few countries that has not signed the Kyoto Treaty. The government argues that its ratification would bring unbearable burden on the economy while activists say that"s not the reality.
United States and Australia are two other countries hugely contributing to greenhouse emissions and refuse to ratify the treaty.(TK/EU)