Textbooks Should be Cleansed of Nationalism
The project is implemented under the European Commission and Open Society Institute grants. Results are presented to the Ministry of Education and public today.
Thanks to modifications in course syllabuses in line with our proposals, education in general and textbooks will be freed of discrimination and have a peaceful and democratic spirit, Silier expressed their expectations at the press meeting on Friday.
Results include recommendations on content and syllabus of school courses and on the school environment in general.
Human rights to be intertwined in the education system
The recommendations include:
* In textbooks, an essentialist and unhistorical outlook viewing world as a static entity should be abandoned.
* Textbooks should be neither didactic nor incomprehensive. Religious knowledge should not be taken for granted and a clear demarcation line should be drawn between the subjective and objective.
* Students should be provided access to and criticize the phenomena explained in textbooks without necessarily consulting to a higher authority.
Stereotyping the women; the other as an enemy
* Textbooks should illustrate a pluralist society perceiving difference as a legacy. Cultural varieties of Turkey should be reflected in course books in form of regional differences and names at least.
* Economic inequalities are to be perceived as source of social solidarity instead of being hidden from children.
* Civic responsibilities should be emphasized rather than a heroic devotion to nation.
* Human rights need to be analyzed in its historical context. Students should be aware of its development and expansion as a concept.
* A xenophobic perspective discriminating a cultural, religious or ethnic group should be abandoned. Stereotyping and discriminating women should come to an end.
Self-improving teachers
* Peace Education should replace National Security courses. More time should be allotted to world history and geography.
* A flexible syllabus in line with these principles is needed. Instructors should be provided with the available conditions for self-improvement. Revision of Education Faculties and Higher Education Board under these terms is necessary.
* Students should be self-expressive and have responsibility in a democratized school environment.
* Right to good education principle requires well prepared textbooks with reasonable prices.
Story of the project
The project examines 190 textbooks used in primary secondary education under the mentioned criteria. Results were discussed in an international symposium in April 2004. Education for Instructors is provided in five provinces along with study groups formed in six different cities. (OA/EK/YE)