Five participants of the bi-communal peace choir comprising of both Turkish and Greek Cypriots are on trial due to their participation in a musical event held in Istanbul. This event, which had taken place on the 15th of May, 2002 was financed by the United Nations Developing Projects (UNDP) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and had been organized by the Freedom and Solidarity Party of Turkey and the Science, Education, Health and Solidarity Association (KIB-ES).
Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Trade Union members Alev Özgü, Nursal Vahip and Hatice Dilek Mesutoğlu and Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers' Trade Union members Emine Gazi and Asiye Özdevran were all appointed by their respective trade unions to take part in the bi-communal peace choir.
Although these teachers were all appointed by their respective trade unions and were all acting with official trade union consent, the authorities of the National Ministry for Education and Culture had accused them for failing to attend their respective localities of duty, for leaving abroad without attaining necessary permission and for taking part in a foreign political event.
Whilst the hopes for peace incline within our nation, the negotiating representative Denktas and other authorities are attempting to silence the peace supporters and have uplifted their pressure in doing away with them. By utilizing methods resembling counter guerrilla activity, within the past year five teachers have been banned from leaving abroad, the promotion of two teachers has been postponed for 6 months for leaving abroad without consent depriving them of inflationary adjustments to their wages in Turkish Liras, -(whereby the Turkish Lira traditionally has a high inflationary rate currently exceeding 60%)- by utilizing a press advertisement 30 unionist assembly members of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Trade Union are currently on trial, a teacher has been removed from office for his democratic publications in the press and finally five teachers will be on trial due to fabricated accusations with hidden intent such as participating to a political event for merely taking part in the bi-communal peace choir in Istanbul.
A result of the regime established by the leadership of Denktas in Northern Cyprus is the erosion of the Turkish Cypriots within the island. The fascist approach evident through the instructions directed by government and especially the Ministry of Education enhance hatred toward the teaching community.
We strongly condemn the fascist pressures, which enforce Turkish Cypriot intellectuals and teachers to become prisoners within their own nation due to their endeavors for acquiring liberty, democracy, peace and human rights and await your international support. Please also duplicate and relay this document to relevant correspondences you feel should be notified. You may express your complaints to the authorities below:
Tel. Fax
Rauf R. Denktaş (President) 0090392 2283444 0090392 2272252
Dr.Derviş Eroğlu (Priminister)0090392 2283141 0090392 2275281
İlkay Kamil(Minister for Cult.& Edu)0090392 2283136 0090392 2282334
Yours Sincerely,
Şener Elcil, General Secretary of Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Trade Union
Adnan Eraslan, General Secretary of Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Trade Union (EK)