Restaurants Serving Alcohol in Heybeliada ‘Threatened with Hadiths’

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The Adalar Savunması (Princes' Islands Defense) initiative has announced that the owners of the alcohol serving restaurants in the island of Heybeliada in İstanbul have been sent anonymous letters of threat.
In the letters sent to the restaurants in Heybeliada in the district of Adalar, there are sayings which allegedly belong to the Prophet Muhammad.
The Princes' Island Defense has made the following statement on Twitter:
Heybeliada'da restoranlara tehdit ve gözdağı içerikli imzasız mektuplar gönderiliyor. Adalar halkı ve esnaf arasında tedirginlik yaratan, örtülü tehdit içeren imzasız mektupları gönderenlerin en kısa zamanda bulunmasını ve haklarında işlem yapılmasını istiyoruz...
— Adalar Savunması (@adalarsavunmasi) 26 Temmuz 2018
"Anonymous letters of threat and intimidation are being sent to restaurants in Heybeliada. We demand that the ones who have sent these letters containing covert threats and causing unease among the public and shop owners be immediately found and a legal action be taken against them..." (TP/SD)