Police Violence Leaves At Least 100 Injured in Taksim

Police violence against Taksim Gezi Park protestors left at least 100 injured and the toll is on the rise, Istanbul Chamber of Medicines said in a statement.
“Cases were reported on head concussion, broken arm, broken leg and roughly hundred wounds and ecchymosis,” the statement cited.
An official from the chamber told bianet that the number of injured with head concussion rose to 6 as they released the statement and it was likely to be on the rise.
Chamber of Medicines warned government officials on the usage of pepper gas:
"We would like to warn the government on the usage of pepper gas which is considered as chemical weapon and can cause chronic or deadly injuries. This totalitarian government that is even unable to defends its own arguments. There is no difference between casting these pepper gas bombs that may cause deadly injuries due to its content and shooting somebody with a bullet. We are currently experiencing the anxiety of possibly hearing one of citizens killed due to one of these gas bomb bullets. We are calling the government officials to stop these irresponsible practices.” (NV/BM)