Petition Aims to Save Women from ISIS “Slave Markets”
An online petition has been launched on to urge officials and international community to save women with Yazidi, Assyrian, Shiite and Turkmen background from the hands of ISIS.
“Have you heard the screams of the Yazidi women who escaped from ISIS slave markets?” the petition statement said, demanding why the international community, UN in general, has put a blind eye on ISIS’s policies on women.
Reminding that while some women were able to flee from the hands of ISIS, thousands of them were still captivated, the petition statement read as follows:
“Why doesn’t the world’s public opinion, particularly the United Nations follow a more effective and resultative ISIS policy while women and children are sold in slave markets in the 21st century? Why do all world leaders are turning a blind eye to the fact that Yazidi, Assyrian, Shiite, Turkmen women are sold in masses as sex slaves in slave markets? Why aren’t international pressure and sanctions called for on countries in the region providing weapons and logistic support to ISIS?
“We ask the UN: What have you done so far to rescue these women? What are your plans from now on?
“We know that people, countries and organizations providing any kind of support to ISIS are guilty as much as ISIS militants. We demand each country where women are sold, and each country buying women and children, and the rapist gangs be considered as war criminals.
“As the women, who can hear the screams of Yazidi and Assyrian women, we will continue to be the scream of all women until these women are rescued, and the rapists are tried in international criminal courts.”
Launched yesterday, the petition has already been signed by over 2,000 signers. (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the petition on
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.