Nolle Prosequi in Police Station Rape Case

An Istanbul prosecutor decided not to follow charges in R.T. case where a woman was allegedly raped by 3 men including a retired police officer.
Advocate Eren Keskin said they will submit a motion as the ruling was reached before the psychological evaluation was issued.
“The decision has not been officially delivered to us. We will submit a motion as soon as it happens,” she said.
“R.T. applied to Çapa Hospital for psychological evaluation but it wasn’t yet completed. For over one and half years, a woman is struggling to prove that she was subjected to rape. This is pretty much what happens with all cases. Prosecutors and courts have yet to understand what psychological evaluation report means.”
What happened before?
On August 30, 2012, R.T. claimed that she was raped by 3 men including retired police officer M.Ç. at the police headquarters in Kağıthane district, Istanbul.
On July 27, R.T. claimed that she was raped by M.Ç. and his friend after being pushed into a car during a walk. Following the incident, R.T. got pregnant.
Psychological evaluation not awaited
Upon R.T.’s complaint, an Istanbul prosecutor launched two separate investigations. However, he stopped following charges in the police station rape investigation due to lack of evidence.
In 2013, R.T. went through abortion as her pregnancy was a result of rape. DNA samples were taken during the abortion procedure and sent to Forensics Institute to check whether they would match with the suspect M.Ç.
According to statistics by Gözaltında Cinsel Taciz ve Tecavüze Karşı Hukuki Yardım Bürosu (The Aid Bureau of Law Against Sexual Assault and Rape During Detention), at least 23 women were subjected to either harassment or rape during detention. (ÇT/BM)