'Nearly half of textile workers paid below minimum wage'

Photo: ILO/Flickr
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The majority of textile workers work informally and nearly half of them are paid less than minimum wage, according to the new study by Clean Clothes Campaign Turkey.
The study was carried out to the conditions faced by textile workers since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sixty textile workers were interviewed as part of the study.
Here are highlights of the study report written by Prof. Saniye Dedeoğlu and Dr. Lecturer Aysun Danışman from Muğla Sıtkı Kocman University:
• There are specific conditions to benefit from rights that were introduced by the government for relief, such as unpaid leave, short-time work allowance and unemployment salary. The first condition is to be an insured employee whereas 66.7 percent of the interviewed workers are employed informally.
• The number of workers who stated that they did not receive from the state or any other organization was 23. Thirty-four workers did not answer this question and three said they received aid.
• 65.3 percent of the workers said that they walk to work. Informal workers prefer workplaces where they can walk on curfew days.
Coronavirus measures
• When asked whether the rules of physical distancing, mask and hygiene were followed at their workplaces, 24 workers said none of the rules were followed and 18 said all of the rules were followed.
• Twenty-six workers said they earn less than the minimum wage and 36 workers said they are paid in person. This data proves the high rate of unregistered employment.
• Another finding of the report is that the measures concerning the labor market are also insufficient for insured workers. Workers who receive a short-time work allowance said the money was not even enough for the rent and bills. These measures and the layoff ban caused workers to be put on unpaid leave and deepened their financial hardships. (HA/VK)