Mor Çatı Women's Shelter: Quarantine Takes a Lifetime for Some

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While many people have been in quarantine for months due to the coronavirus, the Mor Çatı Women's Shelter Foundation has moved to raise awareness on social isolation against women.
"Social isolation, which entered our lives as a health precaution during the coronavirus pandemic and caused us to miss our social relations, is one of the most common forms of violence that women are exposed to," it said in a statement.
"Men engage in violence by limiting women's communication with their families, relatives and friends, interfering with where they go, with whom they meet with, or even not allowing them to go out on the streets."
It also released a one-minute video in Turkish to draw attention to social isolation.
The Mor Çatı Women's Shelter Foundation was founded in 1990 by feminists against male violence. (EMK/VK)