Men Kill 34 Women in June

Infographic: Yağmur Karagöz
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 34 women in June. One of the killed women was a transgender woman.
CLICK - bianet Male Violence Monitoring Reports
Men inflicted violence on 72 women. Two of these women were trans.
In the first six months of 2019, men killed at least 160 women. In the first six months of 2018, men killed at least 120 women and seven children, raped 32 women, harassed 102 women, forced 325 women to sex work, sexually abused 189 girls, injured 212 women.
In June, at least 12 women suspiciously lost their lives (in Hakkari 2, Antep, Sivas, Tekirdağ, Erzincan, Çorum, Kütahya, Malatya, Burdur, Manisa 2).
At least four suicides committed by women were reported in the press as "suspicious" (in İstanbul 2, Urfa, İzmir). Two femicides were also reported in the media as "suspicious murders" (in Tekirdağ).
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 34 women and injured three men who were with the women in June 2019.
They also killed one man who was with a deceased woman. In the same month last year, men killed 23 women.
One of the women killed in June was a transgender woman (in Afyon). At least two women were killed despite protection orders. The protection request of one woman was not granted. One of the perpetrators who killed a woman was a specialized sergeant.
The women killed by men Aygül G., Defne K., Derya O., Derya Y., Dilek Ö., Elif Ö.U., Emel Y., Fatma A., Fidan A., Filiz K., Filiz S., Firdevs S., Firuza A., Gökşen Ş., Gülnur Y., Gülümser Ö., Habibe Ç., İnayet Ç., Ketevan K.T., Kezban Y., Melekşah Y., Münevver D., Nada B., Nazan K., Nazime B., Perihan D. , Saratuya T., Şener A., Şengül G., Şeyma S., Tuğba E., Tuğba S., Urkiye Ö., Vicdan Ü. |
Provinces where murders were committed Afyon (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Aydın (2), Balıkesir (1), Batman (2), Bursa (1), Çorum (2), Diyarbakır (1), İstanbul (8), İzmir (2), Karaman (1), Konya (3), Maraş (1), Mersin (3), Muğla (1), Samsun (1), Tekirdağ (1), Yalova (1). |
Men killed at least four women because they demanded divorce/separation, one woman because her big sister did not accept his relationship proposal, one woman because she did not tell him where her mother was, one woman because she did not accept the relationship proposal of the man and one woman on the pretext that she did not give him money. The pretexts of 25 femicides were not reported in the news (at least five of them were reported as "a dispute that erupted").
53 percent of the deceased women were killed by their husbands, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends.
At least 14 women were killed by their husbands/ex-husbands, four women by their boyfriends/ex-boyfriends/fiance, two women by their friends, two women by their sons, one woman by her father, one woman by the friend of her big sister, one woman by her brother-in-law, one woman by the ex-husband of her daughter-in-law, one woman by her son-in-law, one woman by her neighbor and one woman by her relative. The degree of acquaintance between one woman and 10 men who killed her was not reported in the press.
Men killed 18 women in/in front of a house and three women in a public place (two women on the street, one woman in an empty field). The scenes of crime in 13 femicides were not reported in the news.
Men killed 16 women with firearms and stabbed 11 women to death. Men strangled one woman with a rope, crushed the head of one woman with a stone, set the house of one woman on fire, killed one woman both with a gun and a knife. The methods of killing in three femicides were not reported in the press.
Judicial process 10 perpetrators were arrested, 15 perpetrators were taken into custody. Two perpetrators "fled" and the suicides of at least 11 of them were reported in the news. The judicial processes of four perpetrators were not reported. |
Murders previously committed by men, but reported in the press in June 2019 were as follows: * In Mardin, F.Y. strangulated his wife A.Y. to death at home. The incident that occurred on December 31, 2014 was reported in the press in June as the case started to be investigated again. The man alleged that his wife died of fish poisoning. F.Y. and his lover A.D. have been arrested. * In Ankara, Halime A. was stabbed to death by her big brothers A.A. and A.A. and the sons of her paternal aunt B.A. and K.A. on the pretext of "honor" because she had a relationship disapproved by her family. This femicide which was committed in 2012 was reported in the press in June as one of the perpetrators confessed the murder. After his confession, father A.A., big brother A.A. and the sons of paternal aunt B.A. and K.A. were detained. The other big brother A.A. fled. |
Child murder - Violence against children
In June, men killed at least one child. In İzmir, a father injured his two daughters. In Mardin, a father kidnapped an 11-month-old baby. In Adana, a big brother killed his sister on the pretext that "she did not want to marry."
Judicial process The man who injured his children was detained. The man who killed his sister was reported in the press as "fled". The perpetrator who kidnapped a child in Mardin was also reported in the news as "fled". |
The incidents of violence against children previously committed by men, but reported in the press in June 2019 were as follows: * In Zonguldak, E.K. (19) killed Nesrin K. (16). It was understood that the girl was still missing. The man has been arrested. The incident that occurred in 2017 was reported in the news after the man was arrested. |
In June, men raped at least four women. Last June, men raped two women. Men also attempted to rape one woman (in İstanbul).
In three incidents of rape, women were raped by four male strangers. In two incidents, women were raped by more than one man. One woman was raped by the burglar that broke into her house.
Men raped two women at home and two women on the street.
Provinces where women were raped Afyon (1), Ankara (1), Samsun (1), Van (1). |
Judicial process Six perpetrators have been arrested; four perpetrators were referred to courthouse, one of them has been released on probation. |
The rapes previously committed by men, but reported in the press in June 2019 were as follows: * In Diyarbakır, mufti İ.K. raped H.Y., who was in charge of a quran course. Upon the complaint of the woman, the man was detained. The Diyarbakır Penal Judgeship of Peace released the man on probation. It is alleged that the woman withdrew her complaint because she was threatened. The incident that occurred in May was reported in the press in June. * In Ankara, T.K. and H.İ.K. raped A.G.R. (22) after mixing her drink with drug at a bar. Two men were released on probation. The prosecutor said, "Anything would happen to someone who goes to a bar and drinks at this time of the night" and gave a verdict of non-prosecution. The attorney of A.G.R. requested the change of prosecutor. The incident that took place on May 6 was reported in the news in June. * In Aydın, M.Y. (60) raped his step sister A.T. (50) 34 years ago. Having filed a criminal complaint against the man two years ago, woman's case was dropped due to statutory limitations. The incident was reported in the press after the woman battered the man on the street. An action was taken against the woman for "wilful injury". |
Forced sex work
In June, men forced 43 women to sex work. Last year, this figure was 45. 30 of the women were not citizens of Turkey.
Judicial process
There were 34 perpetrators. While 22 of them were taken into custody, seven perpetrators have been arrested and four perpetrators have been released on probation. One perpetrator has fled, as it was reported in the press in June.
Men harassed at least 34 women in June. This number was 13 in the same month last year.
Thirty-one women were harassed by en whom they don't know, one was harassed by a patient she was taking care of, and one by a course teacher.
At least 26 women were subjected to verbal and physical harassment. Men harassed four women by shooting videos or photos of them, two women by sending them by sending messages that include sexual content, two women by showing their genital organs to them.
Men harassed at least 31 women in public places, namely university yards, hospitals, streets, taxis, buses. One woman was harassed in a house, one on social media. Men systematically harassed at least two women.
Provinces where men harassed women Adana (1), Aydın (2), Bartın (1), Bolu (1), Düzce (1), İstanbul (11), Kayseri (3), Kocaeli (2), Konya (3), Kütahya (1), Sakarya (3), Samsun (1), Trabzon (1), Urfa (1), Zonguldak (2). |
Judicial process There were a total of 32 perpetrators. Eleven perpetrators were detained, six perpetrators were arrested. Two were extradited. Investigations were launched against three perpetrators and complaints were filed against three perpetrators. One perpetrator was sentenced to home confinement. One was released and one was released on probation. One perpetrator was killed by the son of the woman he harassed and one by the husband of the woman he harassed. |
An incident of harassment occurred in previous years but reported by the press last month: In İstanbul, a man harassed and raped S.Y. because she didn't want to marry him. She was subjected to violence by her father for "being friends with men" in Rize province. The woman said she was harassed, raped and subjected to violence by numerous men between the ages of 12 and 24. She told her experiences to a newspaper last month. She also told the newspaper that her father forced her mother to sex work. |
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 35 children in June, including boys. This number was 84 in the same month last year.
Four children were abused by men whom they don't know, three by relatives and cousins, one by their course teacher, and one by their teacher. This information was not reported for 25 children.
One incident was revealed after the girl was impregnated and one by the girl was attempted to marry the man who abused her.
Provinces where men abused children Adana (1), Ağrı (1), Amasya (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Bartın (1), Burdur (1), Çorum (1), Edirne (3), İstanbul (4), Kayseri (4), Kocaeli (4), Malatya (2), Manisa (4), Nevşehir (1), Samsun (2). |
Judicial process There were a total of 36 perpetrators. Seventeen perpetrators were arrested, eight were detained, one was released. Enforcement was not applied against four perpetrators. Two perpetrators were killed by the relatives of the children. Legal processes regarding four perpetrators were not reported by the press. An incident that occurred in the past but reported by the press last month: In Antep province, M.A.A. kidnapped and abused G.R. (14), the niece of her wife and forced her to sex work. He was arrested. The girl has been missing for three months. The incident was revealed after the man appeared on a TV program. |
Violence / Injury
Men used violence against at least 72 women, with two of them being transgender women. This number was 27 last year.
Forty-one women were subjected to violence by their husbands, ex-husbands or men they married in an unofficial religious ceremony, five were by their relatives, three by their sons, three by a hotel owner, one by her patient, one by the driver of a car she was a passenger in, one by the boyfriend of her sister. Perpetrators who used violence against 11 women were reported as "a man" or "men whom she doesn't know."
Men used violence against four women because they did not want to reunite or wanted to break up, three women because they did not give money to them, one woman because she married again with another person, one woman because of jealousy, two women because they wanted to see their mother and sister, one woman for smoking a cigarette on the street, one woman because her sister wanted to break up. Excuses for using violence in 61 incidents were not reported by the press.
Men used violence against at least 48 women by battering them. In at least three of these cases, men systematically battered women. Men wounded at least three women with knives and three women with gunshots. The methods of violence in 17 cases were not reported by the media.
Twelve women were subjected to violence in their homes, 15 in public places, namely a beach, a workplace, a park and a street. Places of 45 incidents were not reported by the press.
Provinces where men used violence against women Adana (3), Aksaray (2), Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Antep (2), Ardahan (1), Aydın (2), Bursa (1), Çankırı (1), Çorum (2), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (2), Edirne (13), Erzincan (1), İstanbul (13), İzmir (4), Konya (2), Kütahya (1), Manisa (2), Maraş (2), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (3), Trabzon (1), Urfa (4), Zonguldak (1). |
Judicial process
At least 16 perpetrators were detained. In the case of a transgender woman, the police did not take legal action against the man while detaining the woman and uttering transphobic words against her. At least three perpetrators were released. One perpetrator burned himself. In one case, the woman was detained for injuring the man. In one case, the woman harmed herself. Five men who committed violence were killed by the relatives of the women. One man was penalized to read a book. In at least five cases, legal action was not taken against the men. The situation of one perpetrator was reported as "The woman filed a complaint against him." Situations of at least eight perpetrators were reported as "an investigation opened" or "the investigation is continuing." four perpetrators were reported as "at large." Five perpetrators were reported as "wanted." In at least four cases, a verdict of debarment was issued against the man. Legal processes of at least 20 perpetrators were not reported by the press. |
An incident of violence occurred in the past years but reported in the last month: In Malaya province, H.A.B. broke into the house of A.D., the sister of his brother's wife, despite a verdict of debarment. He attempted to kidnap A.D.'s sister, wounded A.D. with a gunshot. It was found out that H.A.B. previously used violence against and harassed A.D. and her sister. Legal enforcement was not applied against the man. The incident happened in May. |
The bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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