Men Kill 22 Women in November

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According to the news that bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 22 women and one baby in November 2018.
While men inflicted violence on one child, they harassed at least eight women and forced one woman to sex work. Men raped four women and sexually abused at least 32 girl children and three boy children. They inflicted violence on or injured at least 23 women.
The men who committed a femicide also killed three men who were with the women at the time of incident.
In addition, three women were suspiciously driven to death, one woman committed suicide and men attempted to murder two women.
Moreover, the perpetrator of one murder was identified this month.
In the first eleven months of 2018, men killed at least 225 women and 16 children, among whom were also babies, raped 58 women, harassed 177 women, forced 469 women to sex work and sexually abused 338 girl children. Men injured 364 women in the first eleven months of 2018.
Men killed at least 22 women in November 2018. A father in the province of Çanakkale killed his 18-month-old daughter by battering her.
While 54 percent of the deceased women were killed because they demanded divorce/ separation, they killed 12 women because they wanted to break up, killed one woman because she refused to dance and killed three women on the pretext of jealousy.
The femicides occurred in the following provinces:
Adana(1), Ankara (2), Antalya (2), Antep (1), Bursa (1), Çanakkale (1), Denizli (1) Diyarbakır (2), Hatay (1), Isparta(1), İstanbul (1), Kayseri (1), Maraş (2), Mersin (1), Samsun (1), Tokat (1), Trabzon (1), Urfa (1).
Men killed two women despite a protection order and one woman despite a suspension order.
One of the woman was killed by her husband, against whom she had filed a criminal complaint for 15 times for suffering from his systematic violence, but, for whom no injunction was issued.
50 percent of the women were killed by their husbands and 13 percent of them by their lovers.
11 women were murdered by their husbands, three of them by their lovers, two of them by their sons, two of them by their brothers, two of them by their sons-in-law, one of them by her ex-husband and one woman was killed by her husband of religious marriage.
One of the femicides was committed by a man who was a former professional soldier.
72 percent of the femicides were committed with firearms. Men killed 16 of the 22 deceased women with firearms, three of them with a knife, one of them with a reaping hook, one of them by battering her and one of them by strangling.
50 percent of the femicides were committed in public places and 45 of them were committed at homes. 11 women were murdered in public places such as a shopping mall, street or car park and 10 of them at home. One of the killed women was a citizen of Kazakhstan.
Three of the murdered women were under the age of 18 when they got married. The name of one killed woman was not reported in the news.
The names of the murdered women are as follows:
Cemile E., Cemile Kılavur, Emine A., Emine Çakır, Emine D., F.G, Günay Torun, Hanife Babayiğit, Hatice Korkmaz, Merve Özcan, Nailli Nutfilliana, Pakize Çiftçi, Rahime Gencer, Samiye Ö., Sedef Şen, Sezen Serpil, Sibel Akpınar, Songül Güleçyüz, Vildan Nerede, Zahide Oğuz, Ziynet Terzi.*
Murder of children
* In Çanakkale, F.A. (32) killed his 18-month-old daughter E.A. by battering. F.A. was arrested.
Judicial processThree of the perpetrators committed suicide, three of them escaped, four of them submitted themselves to justice, three of them were arrested, two of them were taken into custody. In one lasuit, an order of confidentiality was issued for the case file. |
Men raped four women in November.
Three of the perpetrators were husband, father and acquaintance of the victims. One perpetrator sneaked inside the woman's home. Two of the incidents took place in Bolu, one in Bursa and one in Kocaeli.
Judicial ProcessTwo of the perpetrators were arrested, one is being sought. |
Forced Sex Work
One woman in Muğla province was forced to sex work.
Judicial ProcessThe perpetrators were mother and brother of the woman. Both are arrested. |
At least eight women were harassed by men in November. One of them was N.S. From Thailand.
Other incidents took place in Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (2), Kocaeli (1), Samsun (1), Trabzon (1).
One of the perpetrators was the father of the woman. It was revealed that the man was sexually assaulting his daughter for years.
One of the perpetrators was a teacher.
Judicial ProcessTwo of the perpetrators were arrested. Three of them committed harassment before but released by authorities. |
Child abuse
Men sexually abused 32 girls and three boys.
The incidents took place in the following provinces: Antalya (5), İstanbul (2), Mardin (3), Muğla (23), Zonguldak (1).
Judicial ProcessFive of the perpetrators were arrested. Two of them were released. One of them, a civil servant, was suspended. |
Violence – Injury
Men injured at least 23 women in November. 56 percent of them were injured by their husbands and 13 percent by boyfriends.
Two women were injured by their sons 13 by husbands, three by boyfriends and one was injured by her father.
The provinces men used violence on or injured women are Adana (2), Adıyaman (2), Afyon (1), Antalya (1), Aydın (1), Bilecik (1), Çorum (1), Denizli (1), Diyarbakır (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (3), Kırıkkale (1), Kilis (1), Muğla (1), Samsun (3), Trabzon (2).
At least 19 of the incidents took place at home, two outside.
Three of the women appealed to prosecutor's offices to grant a suspension. One of them demanded protection from authorities, but her request was not granted. One of the women were from Ireland. One of the men used violence was a civil servant.
Judicial ProcessThree of the perpetrators were released with judicial control, one got a three-month suspension, one was sued for actual bodily harm. Two were detained at the scene, two are at large. |
ExplanationThe bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not take include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. In time, when we come to the conclusion that a crime is gender-base, we include it in the end-of-year tally. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. For example, following case from June 11, 2017 was not included in our male violence report: * A.K. (27), a rancher in Konya province killed his relatives Bekir Kıran (80/male), Mustafa Tokat (80/male), Meryem Tokat (79/female), Hamit Tokat (51/male) and Mehmet Tokat (64/male) with a barreled-gun. He was caught on the way home after committing the murders. It was reported, that A.K. had schizophrenia and considered the villagers responsible for the death of his father, who had lost his life after a heart attack. The occupational groups mentioned in the report, only cover cases in which the occupations have relevance for the act of violence. * Example: "The expression "x% of the rapists were drivers",imply that the woman was raped by the driver of the (public) transportation vehicle she used. |
* The name of the woman killed by her husband in diyarbakır on November 11, 2018 was not reported in the news.
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