Massive Rally Against US War in Iraq
Members and representatives from labor unions, associations and citizen initiatives will also attend the press statement to be held at 1:00 p.m. All anti-war activists and all those who are against the invasion in Iraq are also invited to attend.
"Controlling oil is the real aim"
The anti-war activists argue that the real intention of the U.S.-led attack and invasion in Iraq is to hold the oil-rich Middle East under control and govern the people of the region.
The activists said this reality was becoming more and more obvious every day. They added the following:
* U.S. president Bush and his team, with force and invasions, want to impose on the people, a world order in line with their own imperialist goals. They made the opening with Afghanistan and then moved on to invade Iraq.
* They lied to the world about their reasons to invade Iraq. Now, a year later, it is clearer that their reasons were not true.
* The anti-war activists and peace forces, who are the voices and consciences of the people of the world who are against the invasion, will be on the streets again on the first anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. (EO/BB/EA/YE)