İyi Party Chair Akşener: ‘İyi Party is Ready to Enter Election as of June 10’

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İyi Party Chair Meral Akşener has said that her party doesn’t have any issues about entering the elections announced to be held on June 24 by President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Speaking on live broadcast on Facebook right after Erdoğan’s statement, Akşener warned for “not acting out of legal borders” and said: “I urge everyone to mind their step”.
Announcing her candidacy for president on the broadcast, Akşener said that İyi Party completed its 1st Ordinary Session on December 10 and maintained 68 organizations in 68 provinces, and added: “İyi Party is ready to enter the election as of June 10”.
“I didn’t know they were this scared”
Defining Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chair Devlet Bahçeli calling for snap election yesterday (April 17) and President Erdoğan announcing the snap election today as “frame-up”, Akşener said, “Big brothers got scared. I knew they were scared but not this much”.
Stating that there are problems in economy, Akşener said, “They are trying to save themselves through snap election, but they will fail”. (ŞA/TK)
*Whether İyi Party is eligible to enter the elections due to its founding date has been a dispute after snap election has come to agenda.