Investigation Against Anchorperson Fatih Portakal

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After the Ministry of Health filed a criminal complaint about a news report broadcast on Fox TV about Mersin City Hospital, Bakırköy Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation against the anchorperson of Fox TV Fatih Portakal and its Managing Director Onur Kumbaracıbaşı for "degrading the state organs", "insult" and "libel".
The Court has ruled for the broadcast of a response and correction
Upon the request of the attorneys of the Ministry of Health, Bakırköy 1st Criminal Court of Peace has ruled that a response and correction to the related news shall be broadcast on Fox TV.
In the ruling of the court, it has been stated that the news of Fox TV about Mersin City Hospital are "against the rules of broadcasting as well as the criteria of objective journalism" and "constitute a slander and defamation in this context".
Portakal: "I am not surprised, I was expecting it"
As a response to the investigation, Fatih Portakal has posted the following tweet: "The Ministry of Health has filed the lawsuit of defamation and slander. I am not surprised, I was expecting it. Because we have filed a lawsuit of slander against the Minister [of Development] Lütfi Elvan first. I defend the news in question, just as I do for other news. Shall the one who is intimidated by you and does not do journalism go blind and become speechless."
A lawsuit was filed against Minister Elvan on June 1
In the news on Mersin City Hospital broadcast on Fox TV, the hardships experienced by patients as well as the difficulties in reaching the hospital were addressed.
As a response to these news, the Minister of Development Lütfi Elvan said, "Someone makes them do these Mersin City Hospital news. There are also some information coming to me". On May 31, Fatih Portakal posted a tweet, where he addressed Elvan by asking, "Where are these information? I want him to send this information until tomorrow. Otherwise, we will file a lawsuit of slander". On June 1, Portakal announced that they filed the lawsuit. (ŞA/SD)