‘How was the Protest Against Removal of Syrians Attacked Despite Security Measures?’

Photos: Citizen journalist Fatoş Erdoğan
Click to read the article in Turkish
"The press took an intense interest in the statement. I was in the front as I would make my statement and I could not fully see the moment of attack. I could only hear the statements of the attackers."
It is how Ramazan Beyhan, the Chair of the Association for Human Rights and Solidarity for the Oppressed (MAZLUMDER), has summarized the racist attack against the demonstration held in İstanbul in solidarity with Syrians.
After the Ministry of Interior and Governorship of İstanbul announced that the Syrian refugees not registered in İstanbul would be removed to the cities where they are registered, a statement for the press attempted to be held in Saraçhane Park in Fatih, İstanbul on July 27.
Before the demonstration jointly organized by the Association of Free Thought and Education Rights (ÖZGÜR-DER), the International Refugee Rights Association and Legists' Association, police officers did an identity check on the ones that they found suspicious and allowed no one into the park except for the "Turkish citizens."
In the area, there were banners which read, "No to repressive and prohibitive practices of Ministry of Interior towards immigrants" and "Immigrants are not foreigners, they are our brothers and sisters."
'Down with racism, long live fraternity'
"We are not any different: We are humans, we are a community, we are brothers and sisters"
When the joint statement was about to be held, the racist groups in the park started hurling threats and insults. The racist groups chanted the slogan, "How happy is the one who says that I am a Turk."
Those attempting to read out the statement in solidarity with the Syrians responded with the slogan, "Down with racism, long live fraternity."
As soon as the statement ended, the racist groups attacked the ones who attended the demonstration. A brief row ensued the attack. The police intervening in the attack detained some people from the assaulters.
'We aimed to raise concerns over Syrians' problems'
MAZLUMDER Chair Ramazan Beyhan was also in Saraçhane Park in Fatih to express solidarity for Syrians. Beyhan could not finish his speech due to the racit attack. Beyhan has spoken to bianet both about the attack and details of his speech interrupted by the attack:
"The press took an intense interest in the statement. I was in the front as I would make my statement and I could not fully see the moment of attack. I could only hear the statements of the attackers.
"Our objective was to raise concerns over what Syrians are going through, but due to this attack, not our messages, but the attack made news.
"Not all of us have to think the same. The ones who do not think like us can also make a statement, just like the one we did. Launching an attack is not a right behavior or a right way of showing reaction.
"Therefore, we know that attacking the ones that we do not share the same opinions is not a solution, either. Everyone should be able to say freely what they think, rather than attacking one another.
"There were intense security measures around the area where we would hold our statement. We cannot understand how the attack was carried out despite all those measures."
'Remorseless to send them to conflict-ridden regions'
Speaking about the removal of refugees to the provinces where they are registered and deportation of the unregistered ones, Beyhan has described the removal of the ones who have taken refuge in Turkey to save their lives to the same conditions as "remorseless":
"According to international conventions, you cannot repatriate a person who is under pain of death in his or her own country. You can send such people to a safe area. We have been disregarding this principle in the first place.
"When we admitted Syrians into our country almost eight years ago, we called them 'guests'. Is it how we treat the ones that we call our guests? We need to do what is necessary as a host.
"But, as far as we have heard from the press, we are now leaving them to conflict-ridden regions. It is an inhumane remorselessness."
'Statements of authorities trigger the attacks'
Indicating that each and every statement about the Syrians needs to be made with caution, Beyhan has underlined that the statements of "sending back" have a negative effect as well:
"Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu made a statement regarding the Syrians who will be sent back. And these statements encourage the ones who want Syrians to go. These statements are very often against Syrians and encourage our local people for the attacks. That is why, the authorities need to be cautious about what they say.
"When we met the Governor of İstanbul, he told us that he was also uncomfortable with the attack against Syrians and the ways of removing them from the city. He stated that they would work to resolve the situation."
'I believe that a middle way will be found
Giving details about his speech that he could not finish due to the attack, Beyhan has stated the following:
"Our state has supported Syrian refugees for years. It has hosted them. We should not let a shadow fall upon this with the recent removals.
"While our future generations will boast about this sacrifice of our country, they can now have bad memories about these days. Everyone has a responsibility, ranging from the Presidency and İstanbul Governorship to the ministries. Everyone has to make more careful statements, otherwise we could encounter much uglier incidents.
'A solution has to be found before further attacks'
"The ones who migrated from Mecca to Media were called 'muhajir' and the local community was called 'ansar'. With this understanding, solidarity should be shown to Syrians without seizing their rights. We hear that coal cellars are rented out Syrians as houses at high prices or they are employed on very low wages. It is a very negative situation as well.
"And people should also give up regarding the Syrians as the case of increasing rents and cheap labor in workplaces. It is also something that our local people have brought about." (EMK/SD)
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