HDP MP Warns of Steep Increase in Male Violence During Pandemic, Requests Inquiry

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul MP Züleyha Gülüm has submitted a motion for a parliamentary inquiry on domestic violence during the coronavirus pandemic.
She stressed the importance of staying at home in the fight against the pandemic but said this also caused in an increase in domestic violence in Turkey as well as in the world.
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"It is known that a vast majority of feminicides are committed at home, by those who are closest to women, such as their husbands, fathers, brothers or boyfriends. Houses are also places where incidents of male violence that do not result in murder occur most frequently.
"Studies show that domestic violence has increased in many countries of the world with the pandemic. According to the report published by the UK Aid Direct, the rate of women being subjected to violence increased by three times, the number of women who reached the police with help requests doubled and applications to women's organizations increased by 90 percent during the quarantine in China's Wuhan city.
"According to the information reported in the press, the toll of male violence in Turkey since the threat of outbreak and measures started reached an alarming extent. In the first 20 days following March 11 [the day the first Covid-19 case was reported] 21 women were killed by men, mostly at homes.
"During the pandemic, incidents of physical violence reported to the Federation of Women's Associations of Turkey increased by 80 percent, psychological violence increased by 93 percent, requests of shelter increased by 78 percent."
"New legislation will increase male violence"
Gülüm went on to criticize two recent regulations that she said will cause male violence to increase. One of them was a circular issued by the Council of Judges and Prosecutors on the implementation of the law on the violence against women due to the pandemic. The circular said, "Cautionary decisions as part of Law No 6284 should be evaluated in a way that does not threaten the health of obligors." Women's rights defenders say that judges and prosecutors might refrain from giving restraint orders against men due to violence on women.
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She also criticized the criminal law enforcement bill that was discussed in the parliament this week. The legislation aims to reduce the prison population amid the pandemic and may lead to the release of the convicts of violence on women.
Gülüm requested a parliamentary inquiry into male violence and domestic violence in accordance with Article 98 of the Constitution and articles 104 and 105 of the parliament's internal regulation. (EMK/VK)