Hasan Ferit Gedik’s Funeral Heads to Gülsuyu

The police barrier will be removed and we will held a commemoration ceremony for him, said Mustafa Meray, Hasan Ferit Gedik’s grandfather.
Shot dead by a group in Istanbul’s Gülsuyu neighborhood on early Monday morning, Hasan Ferit Gedik will be buried after three days of police siege around the area in Küçük Armutlu neighborhood.
The funeral will arrive in Gülsuyu neighborhood around 1 pm and burried in Gazi Neighborhood Cemetery at 3:30 pm local time.
Gedik’s relative and friends launched a campaign for Gedik’s father to attend the funeral. On Monday, Bolu Prison authorities gave him a 4-hour permit for the funeral ceremony which was later on cancelled due to rising tensions.
Last night, Meray and Gedik’s relatives reportedly met with Istanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu for two hours for a resolution of tensions.
“They rejected our demand to take the funeral to Gülsuyu. It is not our problem, it is theirs. We will do it our way anyway. We will take our funeral once the siege is over. We will then take it to Gülsuyu. And then we will burry it in Gazi Neighborhood Cemetery.”
Funeral awaiting for 3 days
On late Sunday night, Hasan Ferit Gedik was shot by 6 bullets hitting him in the head and body during an anti-drug protest in Gülsuyu Neighborhood, Istanbul. Hospitalized in Kartal Lütfi Kırdar Hospital, he died briefly after.
Following the incident, Gedik’s friends and family wished to hold a commemoration ceremony at the incident venue - a demanded rejected by police authorities. A siege has also been established in Küçük Armutlu neighborhood where Gedik’s body is being stored. Upon that, neighborhood-dwellers initiated a sit-in protest which was supported by various Gezi Park forums and deputies. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.