"Happy 10th Anniversary, bianet!"

On the occasion of bianet's upcoming tenth anniversary this weekend, three women have written about the media organisation.
Necla Akgökçe: bianet's women's page is like our sister
One of the first websites I look at in the morning when I get to the union is bianet, because I know that I can find all the news that do not attract the other media, be they tabloid or broadsheet. I can read about workers and women, strikes and resistance...
It is mostly through bianet that I hear about the newest developments in women's labour.
I admit that I have made use of you before in order to create an agenda, and we also owe bianet a lot for promoting the Petrol-Iş Women's magazine.
While feminist women's magazines did not even mention us, bianet showed interest and attention.
We see the bianet women's page as our sister and find bianet vital in terms of rights reporting.
We wish you many more years and congratulate all of those involved on their ideas and spirit!
Nilgün Yurdalan: bianet creates an alternative system
bianet is one of few media organisation which presents all kinds of news about women from a feminist angle and which reports widely on protests and activities.
It is a press institution that regularly and correctly covers male hegemony and male crime, and I follow it attentively.
Many times it has been a place where we have been able to find out details about events that are not even mentioned in the big media organs. It is only after these events have been reported that the public becomes aware of them.
bianet has improved into a developed medium, answering varied needs with a feminist perspective and the creation of an alternative network.
I have come across one or two articles that, in the name of impartiality, perpetuated male hegemony, but I have also seen that our criticism has been accepted wholeheartedly.
I hope we will be together for many more decades.
Bahar Toker: Here's to the positive media monitoring reports of the future!
The existence of bianet and the reader/writer collective created by bianet greatly contribute to my belief that a different world is possible. Happy 10th anniversary, bianet..I hope that the days are near when we will read positive media monitoring reports...