Greenpeace Members Detained in NATO Protest
A group of Greenpeace members hung a banner writing "Nukes out of NATO" on the Bogazici Bridge, chained themselves on iron bars of the bridge and made a press statement to protest NATO.
Greenpeace member Ozgur Gurbuz responsible for energy campaign, member Nicky Davies responsible for international disarmament campaign and member William Peden responsible for nuclear disarmament campaign were among the detainees.
Turkish police also detained other five people in a protest of a group of Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP) at Taksim Square.
Earlier, 15 people were injured in clashes between security forces and radical groups. These people, including five policemen, were taken to a hospital.
Istanbul Police Chief Celalettin Cerrah announced that 26 policemen were injured in NATO protests today.
NATO Heads of State and Government Summit has opened earlier in the day. World leaders including U.S. President George W. Bush, French President Jacques Chirac, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are attending the summit. It will close on Tuesday. (BRC-ULG) (YE)