Gedik Shot by 6 Bullets, Case Evidence Missing

* Advocate Engin Gökoğlu held a press conference in Küçük Armutlu along with Gedik's family.
The death report of Hasan Ferit Gedik - a 21 year old man who was shot by a group in Istanbul’s Gülsuyu neighborhood - revealed that 6 bullets hit the young man.
Advocate Zeycan Balcı Şimşek said that Gedik’s clothes at the time of incident were reported “missing”.
“Last night, two individuals dressed up as technicians entered the ICU unit and left with his clothes wrapped in plastic bags. His clothes are missing ever since. We are trying to reach the prosecutor regarding the situation,” Advocate Şimşek said.
Advocate Engin Gökoğlu, on the other hand, confirmed that the prosecutor did not let advocates in during the autopsy by burning time.
“We told him that he couldn’t be on our way from a legal standpoint. When we were in, it was almost complete,” he continued.
6 bullets, 4 in the head
According to the death report issued by Bakırköy Prosecutor’s Office, 6 bullets hit Gedik with one in the shoulder, one on the neck and four in the head. One bullet reportedly hit Gedik’s forehead. The report also cites several broken bones in the skull.
Following the completion of procedures in Forensics Institute Morgue Chamber, Gedik’s funeral was transferred to Küçük Armutlu district.
Gedik’s funeral will be held tomorrow at 10 am local time in Gülsuyu - the incident scene. His funeral will then be escorted to a cemevi in Küçük Armutlu. Following the funeral ceremony, Gedik will be buried in Gazi Mahallesi Cemetery.
Shooters free, protestor facing arrest
Barış Önal, an engineer who was detained while protesting police in the ICU unit, was ordered to stand trial for “resisting the police”.
“Those who shoot people on the street are wondering freely. Protestors are ordered to stand trial,” Advocate Gökoğlu said.
Önal said the following in his testimony to İstanbul Anadolu Prosecutor’s Office:
“I was at Kartal Hospital only 5 minutes after Gedik lost his life. My friends were waiting in front of ICU unit and they warned me that some people could obscure the evidence inside."
"There were people waiting. They were dressed up like doctors. However, when we asked who they were, they locked themselves inside a room.”
“However, we shouted and asked them who they were. Then the riot police came and got everybody out. I was out of ICU but still inside the hospital. I said that I didn’t want to leave. They forced me out and then detained me with handcuffs.” (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.
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