Earthquake Victims Left Without Justice
Any action would have been taken until now, says Kadir Daylık, lawyer of Chamber of Constructional Engineers. "Only actions for damages that have already been filed until February 18 will continue. The rest is dumped".
More than 2 thousand 500 complaints were filed following the earthquake in Gölcük, just 100 kilometers east of Istanbul. Official numbers count 17 thousand deaths, most because of flawed buildings that trapped inhabitants under mere concrete.
Only 350 prosecutions could have been done the year following the earthquake, which measured 7.4 on the Richter scale.
Prosecutors and judges complained about lack of resources to cope with the extraordinary work load.
1850 of the cases have been pardoned with the conditional amnesty law. Only about 40 of the rest were approbated by the Supreme Court and penalized. Victims suffer once again after 8 years, now because of the lack of justice.
Specialized courts and restructuring of the legal system is imminently needed, Daylık says.(EÜ)