Council of State: Solar Plant Cannot Be Built on Archeological Sites

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The Council of State has stopped the execution of the verdict of the Higher Committee on Conservation of Cultural Assets in Turkey that allow the solar plants to be built on first and second degree archeological sites.
“It damages archeological remains”
Chamber of Architects, Association of Archaeologists and Association of Ecology Collective had brought a lawsuit against this decision.
The objections in the justification of the case were listed as follows:
* The practices that are necessary to build solar plants would harm archeological remains
* Cultural asset potential in areas in which the scientific excavations are not yet planned would not be protected.
* Therefore, the verdict contravenes with the Convention on Conservation of Archeological Heritage, Venetian Regulations and Resolution No. 658 concerning the terms of conserving and using archeological sites.
Finding these reasons justified, the Council of State stopped the execution of the resolution. (NV/TK)