Circular Letter Regarding Sexual Abuse by Ministry of Justice

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The Ministry of Justice has issued a circular letter concerning the offences that are committed against the sexual inviolability of children and women.
In the circular letter signed by Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül, the effects of sex crimes and sexual violence have been addressed. The letter has emphasized that the procedural acts in relation with the related offences should be carried out in a meticulous manner.
The circular letter starts with the statement, "In case it has been ascertained that an offence has been committed against sexual inviolability, Public Prosecutor shall immediately launch an investigation and Chief Public Prosecutor shall definitely be informed about the incident."
"Do not disturb the child for the second time"
Providing detailed information regarding the duties of the Public Prosecutor's Office in conducting the investigation, the circular letter has also specifically addressed the procedures to be followed in the event of offences committed against the sexual inviolability of children:
"With the aim of preventing the children, who have been subjected to sexual abuse, from being disturbed for the second time, the depositions of the children shall be taken at one sitting and by the Public Prosecutor himself or herself by using the Child Monitoring Centers as much as possible, except for the circumstances that are unavoidable."
Regarding sexual abuse of children, the letter has also emphasized,
"In these investigations, the necessary care and attention shall be paid to the confidentiality of the investigations so that the privacy of the victim and the child could be protected, the action subject to the investigation could be prevented from having a negative impact on the people in question and the presumption of innocence could be protected."
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