Children Against The War
Actress Deniz Turkali joined them to sing "Hirosimali Kiz" (a peace song, lyrics by Nazim Hikmet). The last line of the song is "May the children not be killed, and may they be able to eat sweets, too" and candies were distributed.
Then children let their balloons in the air and sang a merrier song: "Create a world for us children, a world not soaked in tears ... Leave peace behind for us children, may our song reach the sun and the moon".
The value of our children's lives cannot be measured
The political message of the action was conveyed by a common statement read out by writer Zeynep Oral. The first sentences of the statement were:
"As women, mothers and children from Turkey we are against the war. We have a message for those who think that markets make the world go around: The value of our children's lives, each one a miracle, can be measured neither with oil, nor with dollars...
Along with millions of women around the world, we want an immediate end to this war."
Convention on the Rights of the Child should be forced
"UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1989 and by the Turkish Parliament in 1994. Article 6 of the Convention states that 'States/Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child. Every child has the inherent right to life.' This article should be executed immediately. The United Nations General Assembly should urgently use its authority to stop this war."
Death is Pain
"They are trying to present this war as if it is a computer game. They are trying to legitimize the war with reference to democracy and freedom. They are trying to hide bloody deaths in cold numbers and render us indifferent. Yet we know that death is pain. Each one of the deaths reported in figures corresponds to a life, a life dear to some others. And the loss has no compensation whatsoever."
Production and Trade of Weapons should be Prohibited
"As women and children we demand the prohibition of all production and trade of weapons, we demand that the United States and all other states of the world act in accordance to treaties on conventional, nuclear and biological disarmament. With one strong voice we say no to war in Iraq and no to all wars around the world.