Car Park Owner Şeker Detained for Battering Woman Worker Released

"No to violence"
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Şahin Şeker, the owner of the car park used by the Dorock XL brand in Beşiktaş district in İstanbul, inflicted violence on Şahin Şeker, who was working as a teller at the Dorock XL concert area, and another male worker.
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Criminal complaint against Şeker
As Gaye Akıl, the battered woman, shared it on her Twitter account on May 29, Şahin Şeker battered her and the other worker by saying, "Why don't you stand up when I come?" Giving a detailed account of what she went through on Twitter, Akıl made a call to people for support.
She also shared the following video of the incident on her Twitter account:
Merhaba, başımdan geçen kötü bir olayda muhatap bulamadım,sesimi duyurmak için buradan yazıyorum! Sadece adalet istiyorum! #kadınaşiddet #kadınaşiddetehayır #adaletistiyorum @dbdevletbahceli @kilicdarogluk @RizaAkpolat @fatihportakal @KucukkayaIsmail @buketaydin @ismailsaymaz
— gaye akıl (@gayeakil_) 29 Mayıs 2019
Akıl stated that after this incident of battery occured, she immediately went to the Beşiktaş Directorate General of Security and filed a criminal complaint against Şeker. Referred to hospital from the police department, she received a medical report, documenting the battery. Accordingly, a six-month restraining order was issued against Şahin Şeker.
It was reported today (May 30) that car park owner Şeker, who battered Gaye Akıl and another male worker, has been taken into custody by the Beşiktaş District Directorate of Security officers.
'My blood pressure triggered violence'
Deposing to the Prosecutor's Office at İstanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan, Şeker stated, "The negativities regarding the economic condition of the company have triggered by blood pressure disorder, I am having sudden bursts of rage. I feel regret for what happened."
Şeker has been released by the Prosecutor's Office. (EMK/SD)