Canikli: Some Will Be Returned to Duty by New Statutory Decree

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Speaking on Habertürk TV, Vice Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli has declared that there will be an article of “returning to duty” in the new Statutory Decrees to be enacted in the upcoming days for those who have been victimized by discharges and suspensions that occurred subsequent to July 15 coup attempt.
New Statutory Decrees
“New Statutory Decrees (KHK) are on the way. We are preparing a fresh new KHK. Intelligence and regulations are on the table, we’ve come to a point. We don’t know if [this regulation] will be prepared in time for this [next] KHK. Some people will be returned to their duties.
“There is no victimization. It is indisputable and certain that a great portion of staff, civil servants and closed institutions are FETÖ (Fethullahist Terror Organization) members. There is a significant number of objections now, we examine them one by one. We saw in these examinations once again that we undertook a very successful work because the number and ratio of people who are determined to be not FETÖ members is extremely low. We are proceeding with extreme caution”. (YY/TK)