Attack on Yeni Akit, Yeni Şafak Newspapers
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In the early morning hours an attack has been carried out with molotov bombs and gun shootings to the buildings of Yeni Akit and Yeni Şafak Newspapers.
The attack has been carried out on the building of Yeni Şafak daily located in Bayrampaşa at around 5 a.m by unidentified 3-4 persons with masks and with molotov bombs and guns. It has been reported that the assailants had thrown a molotov bomb at the entrance door and opened fire at the windows of the building with long-barreled weapons. The fire at the door has later been extinguished by a security staff.
Again at around 5:30 a.m. another attack has been carried out against Akit Media Group’s building in Küçükçekmece where Yeni Akit daily has been located. It has been reported that molotov bombs have been thrown at the parking area and a pick-up truck parked in front of the building and that fire has been opened on the building with long-barreled weapons.
Investigation has been launched following the incident. (ÇT/DG)